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Foreword; Acknowledgments; Contents; 1 Introduction; 2 Four Decades of Academic Career in Electromagnetic Research and Education; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Research Areas and Contributions; 2.2.1 Green's Functions and Multipole Expansion-Based Analytical Solutions; 2.2.2 Material Characterization; 2.2.3 Computational Electromagnetics; 2.2.4 Propagation Modeling; 2.2.5 Antennas and Antenna Array Research; 2.2.6 Metamaterial Research; 2.3 Road to Entrepreneurship; 2.4 Contributions in Electromagnetic Education; 2.5 Concluding Remarks; References

3 Millimeter-Wave Endfire Single-Feed Circular-Polarization Antipodal Fermi Tapered Slot Antenna3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Design Procedure; 3.2.1 Simulated Results of the RHCP AFTSA-SC Profile; 3.2.2 CP Parametric Study; 3.3 Measured Results; 3.3.1 Prototyping Process; 3.3.2 RHCP and LHCP Profile Prototypes; 3.4 Future Research Direction and Potential Applicationsfor the MMW Printed Circular-Polarized AFTSA-SC; 3.5 Summary; References; 4 High-Performance Hybrid Smart Antenna Array for Advanced Wireless Communication Applications; 4.1 Introduction; 4.1.1 Background on Smart Antenna Systems

4.1.2 Comparison of Existing Smart Antenna Approaches4.2 Hybrid Smart Antenna Array (HSAA); 4.2.1 Performance Evaluation of HSAA Through Computer Simulations with Realistic Antenna Radiation Patterns; No Interferer Case; Single Interferer Case; 4.2.2 Array Geometry Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm for 60 GHz Systems; 4.2.3 Experimental Verification of the Hybrid Smart Antenna Array at 2.4 GHz; 4.2.4 Experimental Verification of the Hybrid Smart Antenna Array at 60 GHz; 4.3 Conclusions; References; 5 Antenna Arrays for Physical Layer-Based Directional Networking Technology

5.1 Introduction5.2 Antenna Array; 5.2.1 Long-Slot Antenna Array; 5.2.2 Stacked-Patch Antenna; 5.3 Beam-Steering/Switching Feeding Network; 5.4 Antenna Measurement with Butler Matrix; 5.5 Conclusion; References; 6 Electrically Small Antennas; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Electrically Small Antennas; 6.2.1 Wheeler's Radiation Power Factor; 6.2.2 Chu's Limit on Q; 6.2.3 Wave Impedance; 6.2.4 Radiation Resistance; 6.2.5 Effects of Height, Volume, and Wire Length; 6.3 Design Principles; 6.3.1 Toploading; 6.3.2 Simulation Results; 6.3.3 Folding; 6.4 New Concept and Design Approaches

6.4.1 Inner Toploading6.4.2 Design Methodology; 6.5 Novel Designs for Electrically Small HF Antennas; 6.5.1 Helical Meandering Line Antenna (MLA); 6.5.2 Considerations for Field Equipment; 6.5.3 Field Measurements; 6.6 Future Work; 6.7 Summary; References; 7 Metamaterial-Based Antennas and a Metasurface-Based Terahertz Frequency Splitter; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Metamaterial-Based Antennas; 7.2.1 Single and Double Metaline Antennas; 7.2.2 Metaloop Antennas; 7.2.3 Metaspiral Antenna; 7.3 Metasurface-Based Terahertz Frequency Splitter; 7.3.1 The Cylindrical LOD-FDTD Method

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