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Introduction: Contextualizing the debates on politics, governance and development
Competing theories and concepts on politics, governance, and development
Theory of the crises of the state
Post-colonialism: Theoretical foundations and relevance to African politics
Decoloniality as a combative ontology in African development
Theories of social change and development in Africa
Theoretical Foundations of Nation-Building
Pre-colonial Political Institutions: Relevance for Contemporary Africa
Politics and Society in Pre-colonial Africa: Implications for Governance in Contemporary Times
Settler and Non-settler Colonialism in Africa
Nationalism in Africa: Concepts, Types and Phases
Nationalism and Political Independence in Africa
Theories of Military in African Politics
Coups and Countercoups in Africa
Military and Transition Politics
Civil-Military Relations in Africa
Politics of Identity and the Crisis of Nation-Building in Africa
Migration and Xenophobia in Africa
Identity Politics and Wars of Secession in Africa
Ethnic Identity and Conflicts in Africa
Identities, Conflicts, and Africa's Refugee Crises
Resource Control and Conflict in Africa
Trade Unions and the Struggle for Democracy in Africa
The Peasantry and Politics in Africa
Civil Society Organizations and Democratic Governance in Africa
Uncivil Society and Ethnic Militia in African Politics
Migration and Urbanization in Africa
Democracy and Political Development in Africa
Political Parties and Democracy in Africa
Institutions, Neopatrimonial Politics and Democratic Development
Gender and Governance
Political Participation and Political Citizenship
Media and Politics in Africa
Public Procurement and Development in Africa
Challenges of Economic Development in Africa: The Dichotomy of a Debate and the Africanist View
Resource Governance and the Crisis of Development
Illicit Financial Flows and the African Development Conundrum
Public Good and the Crises of Service Delivery in Africa
Rethinking Regional Integration for Development and Eradication of Poverty in Africa: The Missing Link
The Resilient Informal Economy in the Milieu of African Development
The Role of International Financial Institutions in Africa
Africa in the Global Trading System
Africa and Foreign Direct Investment
Africa and the BRICS: In Whose Interest?
Africa's Development Narratives: From Growth to Wellbeing
The Politics of Foreign Aid
From OAU to AU: Rethinking Supranational Governance in Africa
Pan-Africanism is Africa's Third Way: The Cultural Relevance of African Political Economy
Demography and the Future of Africa
From Hard to Human Security: Rethinking the Security Architecture in Africa
Research, Innovation and Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
Energy Security and the Future of Development in Africa
Climate Change, Food Security and Sustainable Development in Africa
The Political Economy of Corruption
Rethinking Governance and Development.

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