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1. Floristic Biodiversity in Alto Adige
2. Floristic Biodiversity in Trentino
3. Vegetation series along climatic gradients in the Central Southern Alps (TRENTINO- ALTO ADIGE REGION)
4. Bryophytes and mesoclimatic gradients along a transect of the Adige Valley (Central Alps)
5. Are alien plants a danger for western Alps?
6. Timberline and alpine vegetation in the northern Apennines. Bioclimate scenery and vegetation diversity
7. Diachronic analysis of beech forest in the Nebrodi Park (North – Sicily)
8. The Magnocaricetalia Pignatti 1953 (Phragmito-Magnocaricetea Klika in Klika et Novák 1941) Plant Communities of Italy
9. European grasslands gradient and the resilience to extreme climate events: the SIGNAL project in Italy
10. An altitudinal gradient for breeding birds in Marche Region (Central Italy).

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