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Part I. Elements of nutrition therapy
1. Definition and overview of nutrition therapy
2. Identifying patient candidates for nutrition therapy
3. Delivery and assessment of nutrition therapy to patients
Part II. Rationale for providing nutrition therapy to patients with urolithiasis
4. Evidence-based and cost effective
5. Potentially improves overall health and patients' QOL
6. Opportunity to dispel common and pervasive nutrition myths!
Part III. Role of diet in urolithiasis
7. Digestive and absorptive physiology and mechanisms for urolithiasis
8. Concepts of nutrient balance/ imbalance
9. Diet assessment and identification of nutritional lithogenic risk factors
Part IV. Nutrition therapy for specific lithogenic risk factors
10. Low urine volume
11. High urine calcium, high urine oxalate
12. Low urine citrate/ magnesium/ potassium
13. High urine uric acid/ acid urine
14. No apparent risk factors: what to do?
Part V. Integrating nutritional stone prevention with therapy for other comorbidities
15. Overweight/ obesity: metabolic benefits for reduced stone risk
16. Diabetes: improved control may further reduce stone risk
17. Gastrointestinal malabsorptive disorders: improved control will address stone risk
Part VI. Strategies for providing nutrition therapy and education to patients
18. Cultivating and sustaining urologist/nephrologist-RD collaboration
19. Strategies for counseling patients
20. Strategies for the private practice urologist/nephrologist
21. Current controversies in nutrition therapy for urolithiasis

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