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Chapter 1: How Shader Development Works
Chapter 2: Your first Unity Shader
Chapter 3: Your first Lighting Unity shader
Chapter 4: What is Physically Based Shading?
Chapter 5: Your first Physically Based Shader
Chapter 6: Your first Image Effect
Chapter 7: HDR, Tone Mapping and Color Grading
Chapter 8: The Ethology of BRDFs
Chapter 9: The Implementation of BRDFs
Chapter 10: Approximate your BRDFs
Chapter 11: How the Standard Shader works
Chapter 12: The Unity Standard Shader Subsystems, and What They Can Do for You
Chapter 13: Hooking into the Unity Shader Subsystems
Chapter 14: Reflections and Cube Maps
Chapter 15: Making Shaders Artists Will Use
Chapter 16: Code Complexity and Ubershaders
Chapter 17: When Shading Goes Wrong, Check The Models
Chapter 18: Resources to Keep Up with the Bleeding Edge, and How to Read Them.

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