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Pattern sets for financial prediction: A follow-up
OptimumWells Placement in Oil Fields using Cellular Genetic Algorithms and Space Efficient Chromosomes
Transient Stability Enhancement using Sliding Mode based NeuroFuzzy Control for SSSC
A Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Path Planning with Micro Aerial Vehicle Test Bed
Mining Process Model Descriptions of Daily Life through Event Abstraction
A novel approach for time series forecasting with multiobjective clonal selection optimization and modeling
Augmented Reality Human-Machine Interface for Machining Setup and Maintenance
Some Properties of Gyrostats Dynamical Regimes close to New Strange Attractors of the Newton-Leipnik Type
Toward Designing an efficient System for Delivering Contextual Content
The CaMeLi Framework
A Multimodal Virtual Companion for Older Adults
Emotional Domotics: Inhabitable home automation system for emotion modulation through facial analysis
Measuring Behavioural Change of Players in Public Goods Game
Object Segmentation for Vehicle Video and Dental CBCT by Neuromorphic Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network
Multi-recource Minority Game andWeighted Resources
M2M Routing Protocol for Energy Efficient and Delay Constrained in IoT Based on an Adaptive Sleep Mode
Integration of Fuzzy C-Means and Artificial Neural Network for Short-Term Localized Rainfall Forecasting in Tropical Climate
Neural Network Configurations Analysis for Recognition System of Pattern of Speech Signal based on Low Order DCT Parameters
Knowledge-based expert system using a set of rules to assist a tele-operated mobile rob
Fuzzy Waypoint Guidance Controller for Wave Adaptive Modular Vessel (WAM-V)
Trust and Resource Oriented Communication Scheme in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
Hybrid Audio Steganography and Cryptography Method Based on High Least Significant Bit (LSB) Layers and One-time Pad
A Novel Approach
Generalised and Versatile Connected Health Solution on the Zynq SoC.

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