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Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Introduction; Chapter 1: Hello World; Installing; Creating a project; Hello World; Code hints; Chapter 2: Compile and Run; Running from the IDE; Running from a console window; Comments; Chapter 3: Variables; Data types; Declaring variables; Assigning variables; Using variables; Integer types; Floating-point types; Char type; Boolean type; Variable scope; Anonymous block; Chapter 4: Operators; Arithmetic operators; Assignment operators; Combined assignment operators; Increment and decrement operators.

Comparison operatorsLogical operators; Bitwise operators; Operator precedence; Chapter 5: String; Combining strings; Escape characters; String compare; StringBuffer class; Chapter 6: Arrays; Array declaration; Array allocation; Array assignment; Multi-dimensional arrays; ArrayList class; Chapter 7: Conditionals; If statement; Switch statement; Ternary operator; Chapter 8: Loops; While loop; Do while loop; For loop; For-each loop; Break and continue; Labeled block; Chapter 9: Methods; Defining methods; Calling methods; Method parameters; Return statement; Method overloading; Passing arguments.

Chapter 10: ClassObject creation; Accessing object members; Constructor; This keyword; Constructor overloading; Constructor chaining; Initial field values; Default constructor; Null; Default values; Garbage collector; Chapter 11: Static; Accessing static members; Static methods; Static fields; Static initialization blocks; Instance initialization blocks; Chapter 12: Inheritance; Object; Upcasting; Downcasting; Instanceof operator; Chapter 13: Overriding; Overriding members; Override annotation; Hiding members; Preventing method inheritance; Accessing overridden methods.

Calling parent constructorChapter 14: Packages and Import; Accessing packages; Chapter 15: Access Levels; Private access; Package-private access; Protected access; Public access; Top-level access; Nested class access; Access level guideline; Chapter 16: Constants; Local constants; Constant fields; Constant method parameters; Compile-time and runtime constants; Constant guideline; Chapter 17: Interface; Interface members; Interface example; Functionality interface; Class interface; Interface classes; Interface methods; Chapter 18: Abstract; Abstract class example.

Abstract classes and interfacesChapter 19: Enum; Enum class; Chapter 20: Exception Handling; Try-catch; Catch block; Finally block; Throwing exceptions; Checked and unchecked exceptions; Exception hierarchy; Chapter 21: Boxing and Unboxing; Autoboxing and autounboxing; Primitive and wrapper guideline; Chapter 22: Generics; Generic classes; Generic methods; Calling generic methods; Generic interfaces; Generic type parameters; Generic variable usages; Bounded type parameters; Generics and Object; Chapter 23: Lambda Expressions; Lambda objects; Lambda parameters; Index.

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