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Intelligent Agents and Systems
Deep Neural Networks for Shimmer Approximation in Synthesized Audio Signal
Optimization for an Uncertainty Reduction Method Applied to Forest Fires Spread Prediction
Learning When to Classify for Early Text Classification
Distributed and Parallel Processing
Analysis of RAPL Energy Prediction Accuracy in a Matrix Multiplication Application on Shared Memory
Blocked All-Pairs Shortest Paths Algorithm on Intel Xeon Phi KNL Processor: A Case Study
Computer Technology Applied to Education
Numeric Line: A Códimo’s Activity
AulasWeb Activity Selector: Using Virtual Characters as Companions to Educator Decisions
Displaying the Collaborative Process as Meta-Knowledge. Description of a Mirroring Strategy and its Results
Virtualization in Education: Portable Network Laboratory
Graphic Computation, Images and Visualization
A shadow removal approach for a background subtraction algorithm
A Tutorial on the Implementations of Linear Image Filters in CPU and GPU
Natural User Interfaces: A Physical Activity Trainer
Software Engineering
Proposal for the Formation of Experimental Pair Programmers
Reusing a Geographic Software Product Line Platform: A Case Study in the Paleontological Sub-Domain
Performance evaluation of a 3D engine for mobile devices
Assistant for the Evaluation of Software Product Quality Characteristics Proposed by ISO/IEC 25010 Based on GQM-Defined Metrics
Databases and Data Mining
Recommender System Based on Latent Topics
Automatic Characteristics Extraction for Sentiment Analysis Tasks
Hardware Architectures, Networks and Operating Systems
Modular Petri Net Processor for Embedded Systems
A Novel Performance Metric for Virtual Network Embedding Combining Aspects of Blocking Probability and Embedding Cost
An Anomaly Detection Model in a LAN using K-NN and High Performance Computing Techniques
Innovation in Software Systems
Generation and Use of a Digest System by Integrating OCR and Smart Searches
Signal Processing and Real-Time Systems
Excluding Ionospherically Unsafe Satellite Geometries in GBAS CAT-I
CAN Bus Experiments of Real-Time Communications
Computer Security
Analysis of Methodologies of Digital Data Collection in Web Servers
Observer effect: How Intercepting HTTPS traffic forces malware to change their behavior
Innovation in Computer Science Education
ECMRE: Extended Concurrent Multi Robot Environment
Inverting the class or investing in the class? Flipped Classroom in teaching technology for multimedia production.

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