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Intro; Foreword: Three Prophets of Pax Africana; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Acronyms; List of Figures; List of Tables; Part I: The Theory and Practice of Pax Africana; Chapter 1: Introduction: Towards a New Pax Africana; The Concept of Pax Africana; From the OAU to the AU; Towards an Understanding of Conflict Prevention, Peacemaking, Peacekeeping, and Peacebuilding; Outline of the Book; Chapter 2: Towards a Concept of "Pax Africana"; Chapter 3: Squaring the Circle: The Role of the African Peace and Security Architecture

The Peace and Security Council: Politics, Problems, and PatronageThe Continental Early Warning System: Early Warning or Early Action?; The Panel of the Wise: Where Is the Right of Initiative?; The African Standby Force: Stillborn or Shifting Goals?; Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms: Lack of Harmonisation; The Peace Fund: More Money, More Problems; The Elusive Quest for African Solutions to African Problems; The Two-Legged Tripod: The APSA's Lack of Preventive Mechanisms; Conclusion

Chapter 4: Pillars of Africa's Peace and Security Architecture: The African Standby ForceHistorical Background; The Role and Mandate of the African Standby Force; Operationalising the African Standby Force; Key Challenges Facing the African Standby Force; Challenges of Region-Building and Regional Integration; Political Will and National Interests; Funding Challenges; Conclusion; Part II: Conflict Prevention and Peacemaking; Chapter 5: The International Criminal Court and Conflict Prevention in Africa; The ICC and Prevention

Prevention as a Justification for Criminal Courts GenerallyPrevention as a Justification for International Criminal Courts Specifically; Prevention in the Rome Statute; The ICC and Prevention of Conflict; Violent Conflict Equals Crime?; Preventing Further Crimes Equals Preventing Escalation of the Conflict?; Institutional Links Between Violent Conflict and International Crimes: The Role of the UN Security Council; The Dependence Theories: The ICC Prevents Crime and/or Impunity and Thus Conflict

The Independent Theory: The ICC Prevents Conflict (and Possibly Also Crime/Impunity)The Conflict Theory: The ICC May Prevent Crime or Impunity But Can Also Spur Conflict; The ICC and Conflict Prevention in Africa; Conclusion

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