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A secured smartphone-based architecture for prolonged monitoring of neurological gait
Vision-Based Remote Heart Rate Variability Monitoring using Camera
How accurate are smartphone accelerometers to identify intermittent claudication?
Distributed Multivariate Physiological Signal Analytics for Drivers’ Mental State Monitoring
An Efficient Design of a Machine Learning-Based Elderly Fall Detector
Characterization of home-acquired blood pressure time series using multiscale entropy for patients treated against kidney cancer
A Heterogeneous IoT-based Architecture for Remote Monitoring of Physiological and Environmental Parameters
An RFID based Activity of Daily Living for Elderly with Alzheimer’s
Automated Recognition and Difficulty Assessment of Boulder Routes
e-PWV: a web application for assessing online carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity
Automatic Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection thanks to Eye-Tracking and Neural Network-Based Approach
Automatic detector of abnormal EEG for preterm infants
Non-invasive Analytics based Smart System for Diabetes Monitoring
Cloud-based Data Analytics on Human Factor Measurement to Improve Safer Transport
Run-Time Assurance for the E-care@home System
Scalable Framework for Distributed Case-based Reasoning for Big data analytics
Deep Learning based Person Identification using Facial Images.

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