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Intro; Foreword: Challenging Times in Teacher Education; References; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Authors; List of Figures; 1 Why the Future Is Important; Abstract; Why Study the Future in Teacher Education?; Exploring Possibilities for the Future; Our Previous Research; Outline of This Book; Conclusion; References; 2 Key Drivers of Teacher Education; Abstract; Introduction; What Is Education for?; Who Is Education for?; Unknowability; Global Versus Local; Who Owns Education?; Professionalism as Compliance; Professionalism as Autonomy; What Should Education Teach?; School Knowledge

Education and SelfHow Can Education Be Taught?; Technology as Control; Technology as Democratisation; Conclusion; References; 3 Politics of Education: Tensions and Paradoxes; Abstract; Introduction; Meta-level: Control, Power and Politics; Power and Control; Managerialism and New Public Management; Meso-level: Teacher Identity and Teacher Professionalism; Teacher Professionalism; Micro-level: Teachers and Teacher Education; Engagement with Power; Managerialism and NPM; Teacher Identity and Teacher Professionalism; Professionalism; So Where to Now for Teacher Educators?

4 Current Trends in Technology-Enhanced LearningAbstract; Introduction; Current Technology Trends; The Implication of Pervasive Computing for Learning; Implication of Data Analytics for Teachers and Teacher Educators; Implications of AR/VR and Mixed Realities for Education; Implications for the Future Direction of Teacher Education; Conclusion; References; 5 Changing Knowledge, Changing Education; Abstract; Introduction; Stakeholders: Contexts and Issues; Teachers; Policy; Teacher Educators; Changing Knowledge; Changing Knowledge: Teachers; Kincheloe, Knowledge and Power in Education

Changing Knowledge and Teacher ResearchPolicy and Changing Knowledge; Professional Knowledge; The Knowledge Society; Trainability; Changing Knowledge: Teacher Educators; Conclusion; References; 6 Futures Methodology: Approaches, Methods, Tools and Techniques; Abstract; Alternatives Challenging Orthodoxy; Predicting the Future: Degrees of Confidence and Certainty; Education Futures Foresight and Forecasting; Why Use Futures Methods; Foresight; Horizon Scanning; Driver Analysis; Identification of Trends; Consolidation of Trends; Prioritisation; Delphi Study; Backcasting; Scenario Building

Generating ScenariosUsing the Two-Dimensional Technique in Research; Completing the Quadrants; Imagining Impossibilities; Conclusion; References; 7 Teacher Educators Working with Scenarios; Abstract; Introducing the Teacher Education Futures Forum; Trends and Tensions; Building Scenarios; Outputs of the Forum; A Second Meeting; Conclusion; References; 8 Backcasting: Testing the Feasibility of Alternative Futures; Abstract; Is the Impossible Possible?; Target-Oriented Backcasting; Backcasting Teacher Education with Teacher Educators; Whither Next; Conclusion; References; 9 Schooling Scenarios: Looking Back to Look Forward.

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