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1 Dual curvature measures in Hermitian integral geometry, A. Bernig, J. H. G. Fu and G. Solanes
2 Estimates for the integrals of powered i-th mean curvatures, M. H. Hernandez Cifre and D. Alonso-Gutierrez
3 Crofton formulae for tensorial curvature measures: the general case, D. Hug and J. A. Weis
4 Extensions of reverse volume difference inequalities, A. Koldobsky and D. Wu
5 Around the simplex mean width conjecture, A. Litvak
6 Discrete centro-affine curvatures for convex polygons, A. Stancu
7 Characterizing the volume via a Brunn-Minkowski inequality, J. Yepes-Nicolas.

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