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Preface (Vladan Radosavljevic)
Chapter 1: Introduction (Vladan Radosavljevic)
Chapter 2: Synthetic Biology, Dual Use Research, and Possibilities for Control (Eckard Wimmer)
Chapter 3: The Global Threats from Naturally Occurring Infectious Diseases (Alessandro Mancon)
Chapter 4: Refugee crisis as a potential threat to public health (Raynichka Mihaylova-Garnizova)
Chapter 5: A Perspective on the Strategy of Intelligence (Randall Murch)
Chapter 6: Comparison of the Available Methods of Differentiation Between a Biological Attack and Other Epidemics (Goran Belojevic)
Chapter 7: Primordial and Primary Levels of Biothreat & Bioterrorism Prevention (Vladan Radosavljevic)
Chapter 8: Secondary Level of Biothreat & Bioterrorism Prevention (Vladan Radosavljevic)
Chapter 9: Preventative Medicine: research and use of medical countermeasures during an outbreak (Inger Damon)
Chapter 10: Rapid and Low-Cost Tools Derived from Plants to Face Emerging/ Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases and Bioterrorism Agents (Rosella Franconi)
Chapter 11: Panic disorder during a bioterroristic attack (Milan Latas)
Chapter 12: Safety and Security Regulations against Biological Threats (Anna Bielecka-Oder)
Chapter 13: The Role of Bioforensics in Medical Bio-Reconnaissance (Lothar Zöller)
Chapter 14: The role of informal digital surveillance systems before, during and after infectious disease outbreaks: A critical analysis (Avi Magid)
Chapter 15: Strategic aspects of countering bioterrorism (Katarina Strbac)
Chapter 16: Food and Bioterrorism
The Case of Airline Catering (Ines Banjari)
Chapter 17: Food safety, Standards and Norms against Bioterrorism (Adela Krivohlavek)
Chapter 18: Environment and bio-terrorism (Wattier-Grillot Stephanie)
Chapter 19: Ethical aspects of bioterrorism and biodefence (Elizabeta Ristanovic)
Chapter 20: Concluding remarks (Vladan Radosavljevic).

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