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Adam Kilgarriff’s Legacy to Computational Linguistics and Beyond
General Formalisms
A Roadmap towards Machine Intelligence
Algebraic specification for interoperability between data formats: Application on Arabic lexical data
Persianp: a Persian Text Processing Toolbox
Embeddings, Language Modeling, and Sequence Labeling
Generating Bags of Words from the Sums of their Word Embeddings
New word analogy corpus for exploring embeddings of Czech words
Using embedding models for lexical categorization in morphologically rich languages
A new language model based on possibility theory
Combining Discrete and Neural Features for Sequence Labeling
New Recurrent Neural Network Variants for Sequence Labeling
Lexical Resources and Terminology Extraction
Mining the Web for Collocations: IR Models of Term Associations
A Continuum-based Model of Lexical Acquisition
Extracting Terminological Relationships from Historical Patterns of Social Media Terms
Adaptation of cross-lingual transfer methods for the building of medical terminology in Ukrainian
Adaptation of a term extractor to Arabic specialised texts: first experiments and limits
Morphology and Part-of-Speech Tagging
Corpus Frequency and Affix Ordering in Turkish
Pluralising Nouns in isiZulu and Related Languages
Morphological Analysis of Urdu Verbs
Stemming and Segmentation for Classical Tibetan
Part of Speech Tagging for Polish: State of the Art and Future Perspectives
Turkish PoS Tagging by Reducing Sparsity with Morpheme Tags in Small Datasets
Part-of-Speech Tagging for Code mixed English-Telugu Social media data
Syntax and Chunking
Analysis of Word Order in Multiple Treebanks
A Framework for Language Resource Construction and Syntactic Analysis: Case of Arabic
Enhancing Neural Network based Dependency Parsing Using Morphological Information for Hindi
Construction Grammar based Annotation Framework for parsing Tamil
Comparative Error Analysis Of Parser Outputs On Telugu Dependency Treebank Data
Gut, Besser, Chunker – Selecting the best models for text chunking with voting
Named Entity Recognition
A Deep Learning Solution to Named Entity Recognition
Deep Learning Approach for Arabic Named Entity Recognition
Hybrid Feature Selection Approach for Arabic Named Entity Recognition
Named-Entity-Recognition (NER) for Tamil Language Using Margin-Infused Relaxed Algorithm (MIRA)
Word Sense Disambiguation and Anaphora Resolution
Word Sense Disambiguation Using Swarm Intelligence: A Bee Colony Optimization Approach
Verb Sense Annotation For Turkish PropBank via Crowdsourcing
Coreference Resolution for French Oral Data: Machine Learning Experiments with ANCOR
Arabic Anaphora resolution using Markov decision process
Arabic Pronominal Anaphora Resolution Based on New Set of Features
Semantics, Discourse, and Dialog
GpSense: A GPU-friendly method for common-sense subgraph matching in massively parallel architectures
Parameters driving effectiveness of LSA on topic segmentation
A New Russian Paraphrase Corpus. Paraphrase Identification and Classification Based on Different Prediction Models
Constructing A Turkish Corpus for Paraphrase Identification and Semantic Similarity
Evaluation of Semantic Relatedness Measures for Turkish Language
Using sentence semantic similarity to improve LMF standardized Arabic dictionary quality
Multiword Expressions (MWE) for Mizo Language: Literature Survey
Classification of Textual Genres using Discourse Information
Features for discourse-new referent detection in Russian
A Karaka Dependency based Dialog Act Tagging for Telugu using Combination of LMs and HMM.

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