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Acknowledgements; Contents; 1 Introduction; Methodology and Conceptual Clarification; On the Originality of the Kantian Notion of Cosmopolitanism; References; 2 The Prehistory of Cosmopolitanism; Characteristics of the Greek Context; On the Common Property of the Land. Cosmopolitanism from Within; The Concept of Hospitality in Antiquity: Cosmopolitan Right for the Stranger; From Private to Public Hospitality; Strategies on Rights. Giving Rights to Foreigners. The Cosmopolitanism of Nascent International Law; Symbola, asylum and isopoliteia; Institutional Strategies

Specific Tribunals. Pragmatic CosmopolitanismBeyond the Frontiers of Citizenship: Metekes, War, and Colonization; Conclusions; The Roman Context; On Property and Rights: The Common and the Universal; Granting Rights to Strangers; Outside the Peninsula; Accessing Justice; Basic Roman Anti-cosmopolitanism; Common Property, ius commune, and the Rights of the Foreigner in the Middle Ages; Philosophical Debates on Property; The Christian Fathers: On the Legitimacy of Private Property; The Scholastic Debate; The Just War and the Right to Property

Forms of Universal Justice in the Middle Ages: The lex mercatoria and the Ius communeConclusion; References; 3 The Rise and Fall of Cosmopolitan Law; The Cosmopolitan Vindication: The Spanish Second Scholastic and the Problem of Colonization; Francisco de Vitoria; Domingo De Soto; Francisco Suárez; Fernando Vázquez de Menchaca; Conclusion; Alberico Gentili; References; 4 On the Sorry Comforters of the Law of Nations. Toward a "Moralizing" of Cosmopolitanism; Hugo Grotius; Samuel Pufendorf; Christian Wolff; Emer de Vattel; Conclusion; References; 5 From Cosmopolitanism to the Virtuous Market

MontesquieuHume; Adam Smith; Conclusion; References; 6 Kantian Cosmopolitanism; The Copernican Revolution in Kantian Thought. Cosmopolitanism in the Third Critique; The Moral Constituent Action in the Metaphysics of Morals; The Basis of Civil Law: On the Common Property of the Land; On Lordship, Commonly Called "Hospitality"; The Action of Lordship; The Unity of the Metaphysics of Morals. The Tangential and Asintotic Ends of Humanity; Virtue and Law; Conclusions of Kant's Cosmopolitanism; References; 7 Conclusion; References; Index

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