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1. Introduction, Domestic Imaginaries: Navigating the Home in Global Literary and Visual Cultures; Bex Harper and Hollie Price
Part I: Experiencing and Performing the Home
2. The Book, the Napkin Ring and the Salad Bowl: Creating the Perfect Kitchen (or not); Inga Bryden
3. Lonely Wives in Perfect Kitchens: The Finnish Suburban Home on Film; Essi Viitanen
4. Male Imagination and Representation of Home Spaces in Times of War: Julien Gracq's Un Balcon en ForĂȘt (A Balcony in the Forest); BĂ©atrice Damamme-Gilbert
Part II: Transgressing Boundaries and Crossing Borders
5. Reconfiguring Traditional Domesticity in Latin American Women's Testimonial Literature; Sofia Maniscalco Mason
6. In Two Places at the Same Time: Archiving the Domestic in the work of Leonora Carrington and Sally Mann; Alicia Kent
7. Beyond the Borders: The Construction of Home and Diasporic Imagination in Chinese Canadian Women's Writing; Fang Tang
Part III: Restoring, Documenting and Archiving the Home
8. Restoring a Home: Restorative and Reflective Nostalgia in Anna Mitgutsch's House of Childhood; Katya Krylova
9. Domestic Ethnography, Diaspora and Memory in Baba 1989; Nariman Massoumi
10. Queer Chattels and Fixtures: Photography and Materiality in the Homes of Frank Sargeson and Patrick White; Lee Wallace.

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