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Cover; Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Note on Text; List of Abbreviations; Introduction; Part 1 Concepts: Information Entropy, Negentropy, Noise; I How to Draw the Line between Information and Noise; II Entropy as 'Freedom of Choice'; III Information Entropy and Physical Entropy; IV The Idea of 'Potential Information'; V Physical Concepts of Information and Informational Concepts of Physics; VI Information as Process Rather Than Content; VII To Think about Information as a Process of Individuation; VIII Redundancy and Necessity; IX Logic and Freedom of Choice

X Noise as Spurious UncertaintyXI Negentropy; XII Complexity on the Basis of Noise; XIII The Astigmatism of Intuition; XIV The Path of Despair; Part 2 Empirical Noise; I On the Transduction of the Concept of Noise; II Accidental Information, Predictable Noise; III Ready-Made Information; IV Cosmic Background Radiation; V Noise in the Gap between Narratives; VI Noise in Finance; VII Statistics: The Discipline of the Prince; VIII The Man without Qualities; IX Noise Abatement: The Dawn of Noise; X Noise Pollution; XI Toxic, Viral, Parasitic; Part 3 The 'Mental State of Noise'

I The Crossroads: Mathematical, Technical, Empirical and Subjective NoiseII Internal Chaos, Terror and Confusion; III The Vicious Whir of Sensations; IV Keat's Negative Capability; V Closure to Noise and the Paradox of the Declining Life; VI The Catastophic Reaction to Noise; VII Anxiety; VIII Order; IX Control; X The Helmsman Metaphor: Kybernetes; XI The Helmsman in Plato's Alcibiades Dialogue; Bibliography; Index

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