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Introduction, birth, parentage, religious exercises and sufferings of Ann Lee; her revelation and testimony; voyage to America
Mother's experience and sufferings in America, previous to the opening of the gospel
First interview of the people in this country with Mother and the elders, with some questions and answers that passed between them
First interview of different individuals with Mother and the elders
The subject continued
The subject continued
Sketches of Mother's experience and sufferings in England, as related by herself, at different times
Mother's persecution in England, as related by herself, and those who came with her to this country
Mother converses with Eleazer Grant and others. Some further particulars of her persecution in England
mission and voyage to America, &c.
The wicked alarmed at the spreading of the gospel
Mother and the elders imprisoned at Albany
many stirred up to inquiry, and the work still increases
Mother sent to Poughkeepsie jail, &c.
The church visited at Watervlist
the gospel increases
Mother sets out on a journey to the eastward
visits Tucconock, Enfield, and Grafton, and arrives at Harvard. The inhabitants alarmed by false reports, &c.
Mother and the elders visit Petersham. Meeting at David Hammond's disturbed by a mob
Mother shamefully and cruelly abused
Mother and the elders return to Harvard. They are threatened, and ordered to leave the place. After much affliction, they leave Harvard, and go to Enfield, from whence they are driven by a mob
they go to Ashfield, afterward return to Harvard, &c.
The believers driven from Harvard, and cruelly abused by a riotous mob
Mother visits Norton, Rehoboth and Stonington
thence through Preston and Windham to Stafford
thence to Enfield, Cheshire, and Ashfield
At Ashfield Mother is visited by great multitudes of people
great manifestations of the power of God, and great purging among the people
a mob excited by Daniel Bacon
Mother and the elders return to Harvard
by the complaints of a deaf and dumb man a mob is raised, and assembled at Shirley. The elders taken from Shirley to Harvard and whipped
Mother and the elders leave Harvard, and visit Petersham
a mob assembles, the believers abused, and Aaron Wood knocked down
Mother and the elders go to Joseph Bennet's in Cheshire
thence to Richmond
Great opposition from the wicked instigated by Senior Valentine Rathbun, Mother and the elders taken with a warrant,and tried by a court of justices. Samuel Fitch and brethren committed to jail. Opposition continues
Mother visits the prisoners
returns through West Stockbridge, &c.
Mother arrives at New Lebanon; meeting at John Bishop's
Mother visits a number of families in and around New Lebanon
goes to Jabez Spencer's in Stephentown; and returns again to New Lebanon
A persecuting mob is raised
Mother carried before Eleazar Grant; cruelly abused, and driven out of New Lebanon
Mother and the elders return to Nathan Farrington's
A mob surrounds the house at night
Mother proceeds on her journey
stays at E. Kapp's, and is driven off by a mob, arrives at Niskayuns, &c.
Great manifestations of God in Mother; Christ her head, Lord and Husband
Prophecies, visions, and revelations
The subject continued
The subject continued
The gospel preached to departed spirits
The confession of sin
Miraculous gifts
Counsel in temporal things
industry, cleanliness, prudence, economy, giving of alms and charity to the poor
Promises to the faithful
counsel and instruction to young people. Concerning children
concerning beats
Reproof and instruction
Public teaching, doctrinal speeches; exhortations, &c.
The subject continued
Speeches to individuals, on various occasions
The subject continued
The subject continued
Sketches of the life and character of Elder William Lee
Some further sketches of the life and character of Mother Ann Lee
Sketches of the life, character, and ministry of Father James Whittaker
The subject continued
Of the judgments of God.

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