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Vol. 1: Variation and heredity in man / G. Sergi
On the increase of stature in certain European populations / Soren Hansen
The so-called laws of heredity in man / V. Guiffrida-Ruggeri
The inheritance of fecundity / Raymond Pearl
Ethnic psychology and the science of eugenics / Enrico Morselli
The inheritance of epilepsy / David F. Weeks
The influence of parental age on the psycho-physiological characters of children / Antonio Marro
Genetics and eugenics / R.C. Punnett
Report on the practical organisation of eugenic action / Louis Querton
Marriage laws and customs / C.B. Davenport
Eugenics selection and the origin of defects / Frédéric Houssay
General considerations upon "education before procreation" / Adolphe Pinard. Preliminary report to The First International Eugenics Congress of the Committee of the Eugenics Section, American Breeders' Association to study and report as to the best practical means for cutting off the defective germ-plasm in the human population / Bleecker Van Wagenen
Eugenics and the new social consciousness / Samuel G. Smith. Vol. 2: Practicable eugenics in education / F.C.S. Schiller
The psycho-physical elite, and the economic elite / Achille Loria
The cause of the inferiority of physical and mental characters in the lower social classes / Alfredo Niceforo
The fertility of marriages according to profession and social position / Lucien March
Eugenics and militarism / Vernon L. Kellogg
Eugenics in party organization / Roberto Michels
The influence of race on history / W.C.D. and C.D. Whetham
Some interrelations between eugenics and historical research / Adams Woods
The contributions of demography to eugenics / Corrado Gini
Maternity statistics of the state of Rhode Island, state census of 1905 / Frederick L. Hoffman
On the prophylaxis of hereditary syphilis and its eugenic effect / Dr. Hallopeau
The effect of alcohol on the germ-plasm / Alfred Mjöen
Alcoholism and degeneracy : statistics from the central office for the management of the insane of Paris and the Department of the Seine from 1867 to 1912 / Dr. Magnan and Dr. Fillassier
Eugenics and obstetrics / Agnes Bluhm
The place of eugenics in the medical curriculum / H.E. Jordan
The history of a healthy sane family, showing longevity, in Catalonia / Valenti y Vivo
Heredity and eugenics in relation to insanity / F.W. Mott
Some remarks on backward children / Raoul Dupuy.

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