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v. 1. The four theories of the suffrage. Elections and democracy in the middle. The British House of Commons. The British electoral system before the reforms. Electioneering in British unreformed days. The advent of democracy in British elections. Undemocratic survivals in England, elections after 1885. The reform act of 1918. The British Colonies. English institutions in American environment. The acquisition of the political rights of man in America. The machinery of elections, corruption in elections in the United States. The American party system and nominations to office. Presidential nominations and elections in the United States. Elections under the French Revolution and Napoleon. The conquest of manhood suffrage in France. Napoleon III and universal suffrage. Elections and electoral reform in the Third Republic
v. 2. German liberalism up to the beginning of Prussian hegemony. German parties and electoral reform. Liberalism and nationality in Austria-Hungary under Metternich. Universal suffrage and the nationalities of Austria. Magyar rule in Hungary, the failure of electoral reform. The Italian electoral system and its development. parties and electioneering in Italy. Russia, Tsarism and local elections. Russia, election to the imperial Duma. Elections and democracy in Scandinavia. The electoral laboratory of Europe, the low countries. The workings of pure democracy in Switzerland. Boss rule in Spain and Portugal. Elections and parliamentary government in the Balkans and the Turkish empire. Elections in South America. Elections in Japan.

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