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Part I. Perspectives on Disasters
Chapter 1. Defining Disaster; Ronald W. Perry
Chapter 2. The Crisis Approach; Arjen Boin, Paul 't Hart and Sanneke Kuipers
Chapter 3. Contributions of Technological and Natech Disaster Research to the Social Science Disaster Paradigm; Duane A. Gill and Liesel A. Ritchie
Chapter 4. Studying Future Disasters and Crises: A Heuristic Approach; E.L. Quarantelli, Arjen Boin, and Patrick Lagadec
Part II. Contemporary Issues in Disaster
Chapter 5. Resilience and Disasters; James M. Kendra, Lauren Clay and Kimberly Gill
Chapter 6. The Cultural Turn in Disaster Research: Understanding Resilience and Vulnerability through the Lens of Culture; Gary R. Webb
Chapter 7. Terrorism as Hazard and Disaster; William L. Waugh Jr
Chapter 8. Climate Change and Disasters; Katherine Hore, Ilan Kelman, Jessica Mercer and JC Gaillard
Chapter 9. On Bridging Research and Practice in Disaster Science and Management: Unified System or Impossible Mission?; Joseph E. Trainor. Eric Stern and Tony Subbio
Part III. Inequality, Social Stratification, and Disasters
Chapter 10. Race, Class, Ethnicity, and Disaster Vulnerability; Bob Bolin and Liza C. Kurtz
Chapter 11. Gender and Disaster: Foundations and New Directions for Research and Practice; Elaine Enarson, Alice Fothergill and Lori Peek
Chapter 12. People with Disabilities and Disasters; Laura M. Stough and Ilan Kelman
Chapter 13. Children and Disasters; Lori Peek, David Abramson, Robin S. Cox, Alice Fothergill and Jennifer Tobin
Chapter 14. Social Capital in Disaster Research; Michelle A. Meyer.- Part IV. Methods and Methodological Issues in Disaster Research
Chapter 15. Methodological Issues in Disaster Research; William Donner and Walter Diaz
Chapter 16. The Role of Geographic Information Science and Technology in Disaster Management; Deborah S.K. Thomas
Chapter 17. Computer Simulation and Optimization; Rachel A. Davidson and Linda Nozick
Chapter 18. Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Disasters; Michele M. Wood and Linda B. Bourque.- Part V. Communities in Disaster
Chapter 19. Community Innovation and Disasters; Tricia Wachtendorf, James M. Kendra and Sarah DeYoung
Chapter 20. Community-based Disaster Risk Management; Dewald Van Niekerk, Livhuwani David Nemakonde, Leandri Kruger and Kylah Forbes-Genade
Chapter 21. Population/Community Displacement; Ann-Margaret Esnard and Alka Sapat
Part VI. Communication and the Mass Media
Chapter 22. Communication Imminent Risk; Michael K. Lindell
Chapter 23. News Media and Disasters: Navigating Old Challenges and New Opportunities in the Digital Age; Brian Monahan and Matthew Ettinger
Chapter 24. Social Media in Disaster Communication; Leysia Palen and Amanda L. Hughes.- Part VII. From Coordination to Recovery: Managing Disasters
Chapter 25. Community Processes: Coordination; Thomas E. Drabek
Chapter 26. Governmental Response to Disasters: Key Attributes, Expectations, and Implications; Sandra K. Schneider
Chapter 27. Post-Disaster Sheltering, Temporary Housing and Permanent Housing Recovery; Walter Gills Peacock, Nicole Dash, Yang Zhang and Shannon Van Zandt
Chapter 28. Disaster Recovery in an Era of Climate Change: The Unrealized Promise of Institutional Resilience; Gavin Smith, Amanda W. Martin, and Dennis E. Wenger.

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