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Intro; Contents; About the Editors; 1 An Ontology-Based Approach for Automatic Cloud Service Monitoring and Management; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Preliminary Concepts; 2.1 Cloud Service Life Cycle; 2.2 SLA; 2.3 Ontology; 2.4 QoS Model; 3 Related Work; 4 Automatic Cloud Service Monitoring and Management; 4.1 Automatic Cloud Service Monitoring and Management Framework; 4.2 Ontology Model; 4.3 Automatic Cloud Service Monitoring and Management Approach; 5 Experimental Setup and Results; 5.1 Experimental Setup; 5.1.1 CloudSim Configuration; 5.2 Experimental Results

5.3 Comparative Study with Exiting Approaches6 Conclusion and Future Work; References; 2 Incorporating Collaborative Tagging in Social Recommender Systems; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work; 2.1 Tag-Based Recommender Systems; 2.2 Social Recommender Systems; 3 The Recommendation Framework; 3.1 The Clustering; 3.2 Social Regularization; 3.3 Individual Preference; 3.4 Model Training; 4 Experimental Results; 4.1 Metrics; 4.2 Comparisons; 5 Conclusion and Future Work; References; 3 Twitter Sentimental Analysis on Fan Engagement; Abstract; 1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction to Sentimental Analysis1.2 Introduction to Sklearn; 2 Literature Survey; 3 Methodology; 3.1 Data Description; 3.2 System Workflow; 3.3 Text Mining and Preprocessing; 3.4 Feature Selection; 3.5 Sentiment Polarity; 4 Training; 5 Sentiment Classification; 5.1 Naïve Bayes Classifier; 5.2 Multinomial Naïve Bayes Classifier; 5.3 Support Vector Machine; 5.4 Linear Support Vector Machine; 5.5 Decision Tree Classifier; 6 Classification Evaluation; 7 Experimental Results; 8 Conclusion; References

4 A Hybrid Semantic Algorithm for Web Image Retrieval Incorporating Ontology Classification and User-Driven Query ExpansionAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work; 3 Proposed System Architecture; 4 Implementation; 5 Results and Performance Evaluation; 6 Conclusions; References; 5 Attribute Selection Based on Correlation Analysis; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Review; 3 Proposed Method; 3.1 Problem of Multi-collinearity and Its Application to Feature Selection; 3.2 ASCA Algorithm; 3.2.1 Example; 4 Results and Discussion; 4.1 Dataset Description; 5 Conclusion; References

6 Taxi Travel Time Prediction Using Ensemble-Based Random Forest and Gradient Boosting ModelAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work; 3 Proposed Methodology; 3.1 Dataset Description; 3.2 Pre-processing-Feature Selection; 3.3 Supervised Learning; 3.4 Decision Tree; 3.5 Gradient Tree Boosting; 4 Results and Discussion; 4.1 Variation in Parameters; 4.2 Data Inference; 4.3 Performance Evaluation; 5 Conclusion; References; Virtual Machine Migration-A Perspective Study; 1 Introduction; 2 Virtual Machine Migration; 2.1 Metrics Used for VM Migration

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