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Intro; Dedication; Preface to the Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Arrangement of Book 2; Acknowledgments; Contents; About the Author; Chapter 1: The Milky Way; 1.1 How to Use This Book; 1.2 Star Charts; 1.3 A Plea to the Faithful; Chapter 2: The Milky Way: January - February; 2.1 Monoceros; 2.2 Canis Minor and Hydra; 2.3 Canis Major; 2.4 Puppis; 2.5 Lepus and Columba; 2.6 Pyxis and Antlia; 2.7 Vela; Chapter 3: The Milky Way: March - April; 3.1 Carina; 3.2 Crux; 3.3 Musca; 3.4 Centaurus; 3.5 Circinus; 3.6 Volans; 3.7 Octans; 3.8 Chamaeleon; 3.9 Telescopium

Chapter 4: The Milky Way: May to June4.1 Triangulum Australe; 4.2 Apus; 4.3 Lupus; 4.4 Norma; 4.5 Ara; 4.6 Pavo; 4.7 Libra; 4.8 Scorpius; 4.9 Ophiuchus; 4.10 Corona Australis; Appendix 1 Astronomical Co-ordinate Systems; The Equatorial Coordinate System; The Galactic Coordinate System; Appendix 2 Magnitudes; Appendix 3 Stellar Classification; OBAFGKMLRNS; Appendix 4 Light Filters; Appendix 5 Star Clusters; Appendix 6 Double Stars; Appendix 7 Star Colors; Appendix 8 Books, Magazines and Astronomical Organizations; Books; Magazines; Organizations; Appendix 9 The Greek Alphabet

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