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Intro; Abbreviations; Contents; About the Author; Chapter 1: Radiation: A Primer; Galactic Cosmic Rays; Solar Particle Events; Radiation Doses on Board the International Space Station; Improving Crew Health; Intravehicular Radiation; Purpose of This Brief; Structure of This Brief; References; Chapter 2: Biomedical Consequences of Exposure to Space Radiation; Central Nervous System Effects; Behavioral Studies of CNS Risks; Altered Neurogenesis; Oxidative Damage; Alzheimer's Disease; Radiation-Induced Bone Loss; Osteitis and Osteoradionecrosis; References

Chapter 3: Setting Acceptable Risk Levels for AstronautsPermissible Exposure Limits; The ALARA and AHARS Principles; References; Chapter 4: Space Radiation Analysis Group; SRAG Console; SRAG Interfaces; Radiological Support; Radiation Instruments; Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter; Charged Particle Directional Spectrometer; Radiation Area Monitor; Space Radiation Health Officer; Radiation Risk; Protecting Crews During Solar Particle Events; Protecting Deep Space Crews; References; Chapter 5: Radiation Dosimetry and Detection; Operations; Exposure Limits; Passive Dosimetry

Passive Radiation DosimeterCrew Passive Dosimeter; Active Dosimetry; Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter; Charged Particle Directional Spectrometer; Intra-Vehicular TEPC; European Crew Personal Active Dosimeter; PADLES; ISS Detectors; R-16; DB-8; Liulin; Alteino; ALTEA; DosTel; TRITEL; PAMELA; RAD; Matroshka; References; Chapter 6: Shielding; Water as a Radiation Shield; Magnetic Shielding; Electrical Shielding; Linear Energy Transfer and Relative Biological Effectiveness; Utility and Applications of LET; Polyethylene as a Shielding Material; Hydrogenated Boron Nitride Nanotubes

AstroRad Radiation ShieldReferences; Chapter 7: Acute Radiation Sickness; Signs and Symptoms; Hematopoietic Syndrome; Gastrointestinal Syndrome; Neurovascular Syndrome; Genetic Damage; Management; Deterministic and Stochastic Effects; Stages of Acute Radiation Syndrome; Prodromal Stage; Latent Stage; Dealing with ARS in Deep Space; References; Chapter 8: Treating Acute Radiation Syndrome; Treating Hematopoietic Syndrome; Treating Gastrointestinal Syndrome; Treating Neurovascular Syndrome; General Treatment; Chief Medical Officer's Response to Radiologic Incident

The Reality of Treating ARS on a SpacecraftReferences; Chapter 9: Pharmacological Countermeasures; Radiation Injury and Repair; Candidate Radioprotectors; Amifostine; Superoxide Dismutase; Genistein and Captopril; DBIBB; Dietary Antioxidant Supplementation; Nicotinamide Mononucleotide; Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor; Perspectives; References; Chapter 10: Genetic Profiling and Manipulation; The Gattaca Option; Extremophiles; Deinococcus radiodurans; Omics; One Carbon Metabolism Variation; HFE and Oxidative Stress; Micronutrients; Aggregation of Essential Inputs; References; Appendix A

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