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Intro; Preface; Organizing Committee; About the Book; Contents; About the Editors; Smart Hardware and Software Design; Computation of Dynamic Signal Phases for Vehicular Traffic; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Challenges; 1.2 Objectives, Methods, Strategies; 1.3 Desired Solution; 2 Prior Research-Signal Phases; 2.1 Modeling; 2.2 Solution Approaches; 2.3 Contemporary Systems; 3 Dynamic Signal Phases; 3.1 Maximizing Signal Phase Opportunity; 3.2 Vehicle Flow; 3.3 Core Engine; 3.4 Cumulative Waiting Time; 4 Algorithm; 4.1 Data Structure; 4.2 Algorithm; 5 Future Work; References

Discrete Wavelet Transform and kNN-Based Fault Detector and Classifier for PV Integrated Microgrid1 Introduction; 2 Modelling and Simulation of Microgrid Under Study; 3 Development of kNN-Based Fault Detector/Classifier; 3.1 Overview of the Presented Technique; 3.2 Pre-processing of Signal and Feature Extraction; 3.3 Fault Detection/Classification Using kNN; 4 Performance Evaluation of Proposed Scheme; 5 Conclusion; References; Automated Tool for Extraction of Software Fault Data; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work; 3 Subversion; 4 Fault Data Extraction Process; 5 Software Metric Extraction

6 Development of Automated Tool for Extraction of Software Fault Data (ESF Tool)7 Conclusion; References; Comparative Study of Mobile Forensic Tools; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Review; 3 Proposed Work; 4 Experimental Setup; 5 Results and Discussion; 6 Conclusions; References; Implementation of Image Compression and Cryptography on Fractal Images; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Fractals; 2 Quadtree Decomposition; 3 Huffman Coding; 4 Proposed Approach; 4.1 PSNR; 5 Necessity of the Use of Huffman Encoding; 6 Selective Encryption; 7 Security Analysis of Proposed Algorithm; 7.1 Correlation Coefficients

7.2 Information Entropy7.3 Histogram Analysis; 8 Conclusion; References; Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Melanoma Skin Cancer: A Review; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Categorization; 2.1 Image Acquisition; 2.2 Preprocessing; 2.3 Segmentation; 2.4 Feature Extraction; 2.5 Feature Selection; 2.6 Classification; 3 Conclusion; References; Computer Vision-Based Tomato Grading and Sorting; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work; 3 Proposed Method; 4 Results and Discussion; 5 Conclusion and Future Scope; References; Movie Recommendation System Using Genome Tags and Content-Based Filtering; 1 Introduction

2 Related Work2.1 Recommendation Using Collaborative Filtering; 2.2 Recommendation Using Content-Based Filtering; 3 Proposed Approach; 3.1 The Genome Tags; 3.2 Data Preparation; 3.3 Feature Reduction; 3.4 Distance Between Movies; 3.5 Recommending Movies; 4 Results; 5 Conclusion; References; Leveraging Machine Learning in Mist Computing Telemonitoring System for Diabetes Prediction; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Works; 2.1 Fog Computing; 2.2 Mist Computing; 2.3 Medical Big Data; 3 Proposed Model; 3.1 Proposed Mist Architecture: MistLearn

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