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Intro; National Parks, Reserves and Conservation Areas; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Abbreviations; List of Figures; List of Plates; List of Boxes; List of Tables; Overview; 1 Introduction; Abstract; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Wildlife and Geology; 1.3 The Gregory Rift; 1.4 Land Surfaces; 1.5 Ecological Regions; 1.6 Distribution of Species; 1.7 Rapid Speciation; 1.8 Layout of the Book; References; 2 Geological Framework; Abstract; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Basement Complexes; 2.3 Regional Plateaus; 2.4 East African Rift System; 2.5 Hominins; 2.6 Late Pleistocene Ice Ages and the Holocene Epoch

2.7 Discussion3 The East African Rift System; Abstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Historical Descriptions; 3.3 Geomorphology; 3.4 Seismic Activity; 3.5 Development and Propagation of the EARS; 3.6 Rift Volcanism and Magma Plumes; 3.7 Sedimentary Basins and Lakes; 3.8 Lake Victoria and the Victoria Nile; References; Regional Geology; 4 Basement Complexes and Regional Plateaus; Abstract; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Archaean: Lake Victoria Terrane; 4.3 Palaeoproterozoic: Central African Craton; 4.4 Mesoproterozoic: Formation of Rodinia; 4.5 Neoproterozoic: Breakup of Rodinia

4.6 Mesozoic-Palaeogene: Breakup of Gondwana4.7 Regional Plateau; 4.8 Mineralisation of the Lake Victoria Terrane; 4.9 Gemstones in the Mozambique Belt; References; 5 The Gregory Rift; Abstract; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Three Stages of Rifting; 5.3 Subdivision of the Volcanism; 5.4 Pre-rift Stage of Doming and Volcanism in Central/Southern Kenya; 5.5 The Half-Graben and Full Graben Stages in Central/Southern Kenya; 5.6 The Northern Tanzania Divergence; 5.7 Volcanism of the Half-Graben and Full Graben Stages in Central/Southern Kenya; 5.8 Rift-Related Volcanism in Northern Tanzania

5.9 Composition of the Volcanism5.10 Volcanic Output and Explosiveness; 5.11 Other Volcanic Features; 5.12 Sedimentary Basins; 5.13 Rift Valley Lakes; References; 6 Late Pleistocene Ice Ages and the Holocene Epoch; Abstract; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Late Pleistocene Ice Ages; 6.3 Holocene Climatic Cycles; 6.4 Monsoon; 6.5 Palaeo-Lakes; 6.6 Historical Lakes; 6.7 Active Volcanism; 6.8 Montane Forests; References; National Parks, Reserves and Conservation Areas; 7 Serengeti National Park; Abstract; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Approaches; 7.3 Geological Framework

7.4 Greenstones of the Lake Victoria Terrane7.5 Granite-Gneiss Plutons of the Lake Victoria Terrane; 7.6 Mozambique Belt; 7.7 Ikorongo Group; 7.8 Neogene Age Sequences; 7.9 Holocene Volcanic Ash; 7.10 Rivers and Lakes; 7.11 Economic Ore Deposits; 7.12 Migration; 7.13 Koppies; References; 8 Mount Elgon National Park(s); Abstract; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Pre-rift Volcanism; 8.3 Basement; 8.4 Volcanology; 8.5 Summit Plateau; 8.6 Hot Springs and Caves; 8.7 Botanical Zones; 8.8 Landslides; References; 9 Aberdare and Mount Kenya National Parks; Abstract; 9.1 Introduction; 9.2 Aberdare National Park

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