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Intro; Preface; Contents; Chapter 1: Mathematical Modeling of Piezoelectric Generators; 1.1 General Formulation of the Problem of Electroelasticity; 1.2 Mathematical Modelling of Cantilever-type PEGs; 1.2.1 Statement of the Problem for Cantilever-type PEGs; 1.2.2 Numerical Experiment; Configuration # 1; Configuration # 2; Configuration # 3; Configuration # 4; 1.3 Mathematical Modelling of Stack-type PEGs; 1.3.1 Statement of the Problem for Stack-type PEGs; 1.3.2 Numerical Experiment; Chapter 2: Experimental Modeling of Piezoelectric Generators

2.1 Cantilever-Type Generators2.1.1 Description of Test Set-up and Samples; 2.1.2 Experiment; 2.1.3 Theory and Experiment; 2.2 Stack-Type Generators; 2.2.1 Harmonic Loading; Description of Test Set-up and Samples; Experiment; Comparison of Theory and Experiment; 2.2.2 Pulsed Loading; Description of the Test Set-up and Samples; Experiment; Comparison of Theory and Experiment; 2.2.3 Quasi-Static Loading; Description of the Test Set-up and Samples; Experiment; 2.3 Conclusions; Chapter 3: Mathematical Modeling of Flexoelectric Effect

3.1 Investigation of Output Voltage in Unpolarized Ceramics3.1.1 Samples for Study and Experimental Procedure; 3.1.2 Results of the Experiment and Discussion; 3.2 Investigation of the Flexoelectric Effect in Unpolarized Ceramics; 3.2.1 Formulation of the Problem for Flexoelectrical Beam; 3.2.2 Boundary Conditions; 3.2.3 Solution; 3.2.4 Numerical Experiment; 3.3 Conclusion; Chapter 4: Amplified High-Stroke Flextensional PZT Actuator for Rotorcraft Application; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Modeling and Numerical Optimization of the Actuator Shell; 4.3 Actuator Design and Manufacture

4.4 Actuator Static Tests4.5 Numerical and Experimental Tests of the ActuatorÅ› Dynamic Properties; 4.6 Conclusion; Chapter 5: Defects in Rod Constructions; 5.1 Diagnosis of Defects and Monitoring of Rod Construction; 5.2 Reconstruction of Defect Parameters Based on Beam Models; 5.3 Reconstruction of Defects Based on Finite-Element Modeling; 5.4 Goals of Following Study; Chapter 6: Identification of Defects in Cantilever Elastic Rod; 6.1 Mathematical Formulation of the Problem of Defect Reconstruction in Cantilever

6.2 Finite Element Modeling of Cantilever with Defects and Analysis of Vibration Parameters6.2.1 Full-Body Rod Model with Defect; 6.2.2 Analysis of Modal Parameters of Full-Body Model with Defect; 6.2.3 Comparison of Modal Parameters of Oscillations with Stress-Strain State of FE Cantilever Model with Various Notches; 6.3 Analysis of the Vibration Parameters of Cantilever with Defects Based on the Analytical Modeling; 6.3.1 Identification of Cantilever Rod Defects Within the Euler-Bernoulli Model

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