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Real-time tactical space asset retasking
Exploring our Solar System with cubesats and nanosats
Asteroid Mining : A European Venture
The SHIPinSPACE Spaceplane
Optimal (not opportunity) orbits for rideshare payloads
Responsive Test Technology for Chinese New Generation Launch Vehicle
Implementing Ionic thrusters on Cube satellites to increase their life-time and improve their performance
Introducing Second IAA Space Management Study
Aerospace systems of new generation
Resource Prospector : A Cost Effective Lunar Resource Pathfinder
A New Era in Space Flight : The COTS Model of Commercial Partnerships at NASA The Prospect for Orbital Airliners
Gateway Earth
Low Cost Access to Interplanetary Space
AubieSat High Datarate in a 3U Cubesat
Apollo artefacts
Innovative Small Launcher
The Design of a Ground Control Segment for a Cubesat Development Programme
Secure communications in outer space
The FUNcube STEM outreach missions
Regulation of commercial space tourism: Beyond the international space law
New Trends in the design, integration and test of small sized satellites
Innovation and Growth Strategy (IGS) Priority Market : low Cost Access to Space
HeL1o : The first cubesat to L1?
Cost Effective Total Ionizing Dose Tests of Solid State Power Amplifiers
Small Satellite Observation Satellite Development Programs of Vietnam until 2020
Novel semiconductor devices for low weight, high density and increased reliability
Twinkle : A British Space Mission to explore faraway worlds
Feasibility study of LTA launch system for micro and smaller
Electromagnetic Launch to Space
Dynamically Supported Launc Infrastructure
IODISPLay: Capturing European needs and capabilities for in-orbit demonstration of space technologies
Enabling Solutions for Small Satellite Space Access
How much is the moon worth? An analysis of ownership
The Open Source Movement Reaches CubeSat Missions
Development of low cost propulsion systems for launch and inspace applications
The Google Lunar XPRIZE
Past, Present and Future
Implementing solid rocket thrusters on cube satellites to increase their lifetime and to push them to a decay orbit to avoid being contaminated as space debris
Using a recovery system of parachutes and gliders to recover the first stage of a launch vehicle for reusability purposes
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of a Solid Rocket Booster
Fostering technology innovation in space through national activities: The swiss example Economic and fast FPGA configuration development of a payload module computer
An innovation platform for end-to-end payload hosting services Venusun floating station for Venus
An analytical, low-cost deployment strategy for satellite constellations
Intelligent Satellite Swarm for EO data distribution
A nanosatellite carrier concept to enable affordable innovative deep space missions
3d printed satellites; a manufacturing revolution
Development of a low cost IVA pressure suit for commercial space flight applications
SEAHAWK: A nanosatellite mission for sustained ocean observation
Space Settlement for Ganymede
Dispatch me to my orbit...
Space settlement for Europa
Considerations for low-cost small satellite launchers
Harnessing the power of the many
Global Launcher Market Survey
Where are we and where are we going?
The worlds first commercial SAR and optical 16-satellite constellation
Legal aspects in performing space debris remediation : due diligence and fault considerations
Multi-criteria optimization of multi-satellite observation and communication constellations target functioning efficiency on the basic of operative planning
Small satellite launch vehicle from a balloon platform
Taking artists suborbital
Lunar Mission One
One Year On
The Position of Space Science in Africa and Other Developing Countries
A new generation of Low cost, Small Launch Vehicles designed to serve the Rapidly Growing Small Satellite Market
High Altitude Weather Balloons for Low Cost Space Testing
New Space, Old Players.

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