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Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1: Introduction; References; Part I: 1900-1939: The March to Moral Condemnation; 2: 'Disharmony of Physical, Mental and Temperamental Qualities': Race Crossing, Miscegenation and the Eugenics Movement; Introduction; The Putative Mechanisms for Biological and Social Effects; The Biological Scientists: Proponents and Agnostics; The British Physical Anthropologists: Disinterested Scientists; The Propagandists; The Demise of Anthropometry; References; 3: Mixed Race Communities and Social Stability; Introduction

Official Attitudes and Policy/Social Impact, 1900-1918The 1919 Race Riots and the 'Coloured' Population in British Ports, 1919-1939; Contemporary Accounts of the 'Coloured' Population in British Ports; The Morally Condemnatory Reports; Favourable Seaport Studies; Conclusions; References; 4: 'Unnatural Alliances' and 'Poor Half-­Castes': Representations of Racial Mixing and Mixedness and the Entrenching of Stereotypes; Fear, Fantasy and Nonchalance; Early Representations of Mixing in Britain; Concern and Censure: The First World War

Moral Panic and Condemnation: The Entrenching of Interracial TropesThe Plight of the Half-Caste: Social Menaces and Broken Blossoms; References; 5: Fitting In and Standing Out: Lived Experiences of Everyday Interraciality; Love and Attraction in the Metropole's Contact Zone; Why did People Mix?; Gender: Women of Colour; Interracial Intimacy and Domestic Life: Marriage, Family, Children; Unhappy Home Lives; Extended Family; Outside the Home: Standing Out, Fitting in and Fighting Back; Effects of Institutional Racism; Encountering Prejudice; Emotional Effects; Fighting Back; New Cultures

Flexible Attitudes: Geography MattersReferences; Part II: 1939-1949: The Second World War and the Early Post-war Years; 6: 'Tan Yanks', 'Loose Women' and 'Brown Babies': Official Accounts of Mixing and Mixedness During the Second World War; Racial Mixing Amongst Servicemen and Local Populations; Relations Between Black and White US Servicemen; Criminal Investigations; Mixed Racial Unions and Births Outside Marriage; The Initiatives of Citizens; Official Provision; Activities in the USA and Proposals for Adoption

What the Discourses on the 'Brown Babies Problem' Tell Us About Inclusive CitizenshipReferences; 7: 'Undesirable Element': The Repatriation of Chinese Sailors and Break Up of Mixed Families in the 1940s; Introduction; The Vilification of the Chinese Community in Liverpool; The Implementation of the Repatriation Strategy and the Position of Chinese Seamen with British-Born Wives; The Denouement: Involvement of the National Press in the Mixed Marriage Controversy; References

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