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Intro; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; 1: Introduction; Setting the Scene; Outline of Chapters; Bibliography; 2: Cutting Edge Theatre Initiative: Setting the Scene; Individuals; Iris (Joint Director of Cutting Edge Theatre Initiative); Mathew (Joint Director of Cutting Edge Theatre Initiative); Val (Chair of Cutting Edge Theatre Initiative); Jane (Vice Chair of Cutting Edge Theatre Initiative); Catherine (Drama Tutor, Ex-student of Red Brick College); Adam (Vice Principal of Red Brick College); Heather (Director of Education, Funding Body)

Richard (Appointed Lecturer: Cutting Edge Theatre Initiative)Lee (Senior Evaluator); Navin; Summary; Bibliography; 3: Producing and Reproducing 'Learning Difficulties'; 'Learning Difficulties', Educability, Reason(Able) and the Modern; Disability, Education and Eugenics; IQ Testing; Discourse of Resistance and (Mis)Treatment; Labels and Discursive Practices; Individual/Medical (Biophysical) Model of Disability and Educability; A Rights-Based Model of Disability; Disability Arts; Summary; Bibliography; 4: The Struggle for Performance and Revealing the Past

Cutting Edge Theatre Initiative ProposalsProposal 2003; Proposal 2002; Proposal 2001; Additional Themes Emerging from the Proposals; Project Theatre; Theatre Arts Course; Festival Performance; Cutting Edge Theatre Initiative: Red Brick College 'Partnership'; Parliamentary Debates; Debate 1999; Debate 2002; Summary; 5: Disability and the Turn to Postmodern Perspectives; Postmodern Perspectives; Using Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari; Disability-Impairment Dualism; Discourse as Power/Knowledge; Disciplinary Power; The Rise of the Institution; Postmodern Perspectives and the Process of Research

Disability and the Rise of the Modern HEISummary; Bibliography; 6: The Rhetoric of Widening Participation; Discursive Policy Context; Defining Higher Education; Higher Education as Inequality; Beneficiaries of Higher Education; 'More Means Different' or 'More Means Worse'; Raising Aspirations; Under-representation; Non-participation; Rising Student Debt; How Many Disabled Students Are There?; DSA; Reasonable Adjustments and the Requirements of the Disability Equality Duty; Assessment; Summary; Bibliography; 7: Ending the Barriers Against Disabled People

What Were the Barriers Encountered by Cutting Edge?Attitudes; Culture; Education; Family; Financial; Modern Higher Education; Individual; Employment; Summary; Bibliography; 8: An Act of Resistance; The Characters; Setting the Scene; The Prologue; Enter Stage Left; Enter Stage Right; Enter Centre Stage; The Epilogue; The End, the Middle, the Beginning?; Summary; Bibliography; 9: Conclusion; Bibliography; Glossary; Bibliography; Index

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