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Detection of biofilms in biopsies from chronic rhinosinusitis patients: in vitro biofilm forming ability and antimicrobial susceptibility testing in biofilm mode of growth of isolated bacteria / Mariagrazia Di Luca [and others]
Immune response against Salmonella enteritidis is unsettled by HIV infection / Maira Costa Cacemiro [and others]
A synonymous mutation at bovine alpha vitronectin domain of integrin host receptor (ITGAV) gene effect the susceptibility of foot-and-mouth disease in crossbred cattle / Rani Singh [and others]
Antibiotic resistance genes and antibiotic susceptibility of oral Enterococcus faecalis isolates compared to isolates from hospitalized patients and food / Annette Carola Anderson, Huria Andisha, Elmar Hellwig, Daniel Jonas, Kirstin Vach, Ali Al-Ahmad
Veterinary public health in Italy: from healthy animals to healthy food, contribution to improve economy in developing countries / Margherita Cacaci, Rossella Colomba Lelli
Biofilm-forming ability and clonality in Acinetobacter baumannii strains isolated from urine samples and urinary catheters in different European hospitals / Claudia Vuotto [and others]
Pragmatic combination of available diagnostic tools for optimal detection of intestinal microsporidia / Stuti Kaushik, Rumpa Saha, Shukla Das, VG Ramachandran, Ashish Goel
The fight against tuberculosis in the mid-nineteenth century: the pivotal contribution of Edoardo Maragliano (1849–1940) / Mariano Martini, Ilaria Barberis, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi, Filippo Paluan
The efficacy of tetrasodium EDTA on biofilms / S. L. Percival, A-M. Salisbury
Incidence and drug resistance of zoonotic Mycobacterium bovis infection in Peshawar, Pakistan / Irfan Khattak [and others].

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