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Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Introduction; 1 Introduction; References; Part I Financing in Africa for Sustainable Development; Financing Mechanisms African Governments Should Pursue in Financing Sustainable Development in the Next 20 Years; 1 Introduction; 2 Traditional Sources of Financing Sustainable Development in Africa; 3 A Changing Global Context and Challenges Faced by Traditional Sources of Financing Development; 4 Solutions for Financing Sustainable Development in Africa; 4.1 Sovereign Wealth Funds; 4.2 Private Financing

4.3 Blended Finance5 The Role of Local Government; 5.1 The Relationship Between Business and Local Government; 6 Conclusion; References; Financial Inclusion and Foreign Market Participation of Firms: A Quasi-experiment from Nigeria; 1 Introduction; 2 Theoretical Framework and Empirical Validations; 3 Research Method; 3.1 Data; 3.2 Methods; 4 Result and Discussions; 5 Concluding Implications, Caveats and Future Research Directions; References; Business Regulations and Foreign Direct Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for Regulatory Reform; 1 Introduction

2 FDI and Doing Business in SSA2.1 Recent Trends of FDI Inflows in SSA; 2.2 World Bank's Doing Business in SSA; 3 Theoretical and Empirical Literature on the Determinants of FDI; 3.1 FDI and Its Traditional Determinants; 3.2 Recent Empirical Studies; 4 Variables, Hypotheses, and Model Specification; 4.1 Variables; 4.2 Foreign Direct Investment; 4.3 The World Bank's Doing Business Indicators; 4.4 Other Variables; 4.5 Hypotheses; 4.6 Model Specification; 5 Estimation Results and Policy Implications; 6 Conclusion; References

Broadening Financial Intermediation in Sub-Saharan Africa1 Introduction; 2 The Current Financial Configuration in Sub-Saharan Africa; 3 The Need for an Improved Financial System for Sustainable Development in Africa; 4 Instruments, Actors, Financial System Characteristics for Sustainable Development in Africa; 4.1 Addressing Developmental Challenges Through a Broader Financial System; 4.2 Key Pillars for Broadening the Financial Systems in Africa; 5 Conclusions; References; Institutions, Fiscal Performance, and Development Trajectories in ECOWAS: Implications for Sustainability

1 Introduction2 Some Insights from Extant Literature; 3 Empirical Model and Data; 4 Results and Discussions; 4.1 Descriptive Analysis; 4.2 Implications of Result for Sustainable Development; 5 Conclusions and Recommendations; References; Part II Domestic or Foreign Investment for African Development; Capital Flows and Economic Growth: Does the Role of State Fragility Really Matter for Sustainability?; 1 Introduction; 2 Theoretical Framework; 3 Empirical Models and Data Description; 4 Data Analysis; 4.1 Time-Series Properties of Data, Lag Selection and Co-integration Estimates

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