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Intro; Foreword to the Series; Preface; Contents; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Trends in World Marine Capture Fisheries; 1.2 Nature of Fisheries Resources; 1.3 Fish Stock Variability and Marine Ecosystem Dynamics; 1.4 Fishery and Ecosystem Monitoring; 1.5 Aim and Structure of This Book; References; Part I: Dynamics of Fish Stocks in Marine Ecosystems; Chapter 2: Part I: Description; References; Chapter 3: Biological Mechanisms Underlying Climate Impacts on Population Dynamics of Small Pelagic Fish; 3.1 Population Dynamics of Small Pelagic Fish; 3.2 Climate Cascade

3.3 Vital Parameters as an Amplifier3.3.1 Growth and Survival Mechanisms During Early Life Stages; 3.3.2 Consequence of Subtle Environmental Variability Through Stage Duration Mechanism; 3.3.3 Consequence of Subtle Environmental Variability Through Growth-Selective Predation Mechanism; 3.3.4 Vital Parameters and Species Alternations; 3.4 Food-Based Hypotheses for Species Alternations; 3.4.1 Optimal Environmental Window Hypothesis; 3.4.2 Trophic Dissimilarity Hypothesis for Upwelling Systems; 3.4.3 Trophodynamics Hypothesis for the Kuroshio Current System

3.5 Temperature-Based Hypotheses for Species Alternations3.5.1 Optimal Growth Temperature Hypothesis; 3.5.2 Optimal Spawning Temperature; 3.6 Other Hypotheses; 3.6.1 Intraspecific Interactions; 3.6.2 Interspecific Interactions; 3.6.3 Fishing Pressure; 3.7 Future Recommendations; 3.7.1 Synthesis of Different Hypotheses; 3.7.2 Synthesis Among Different Ecosystems; 3.7.3 Multidisciplinary Approaches; References; Chapter 4: Population Dynamics of Demersal Fish Focusing on Walleye Pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus); 4.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Near the Sea Bottom

4.2 Characteristics of Demersal Fish4.3 Factors Affecting Demersal Fish Recruitment; 4.4 Recruitment Mechanism of Pollock; 4.4.1 Eastern Bering Sea; 4.4.2 Gulf of Alaska; 4.4.3 Pacific Coast of Northern Japan; 4.4.4 Sea of Japan off Northern Japan; 4.4.5 Other Sea Areas; 4.4.6 Summary of Pollock Recruitment Mechanism; 4.5 Recruitment Modeling; 4.6 Recruitment Models for Pollock; 4.7 Stock Assessment and Recruitment Prediction of Demersal Fishes; 4.8 Stock Management Strategies for Demersal Fishes; References

Chapter 5: Significance of Sex-Specific Ecological and Life History Traits on the Sustainable Exploitation of Sharks5.1 Biological Characteristics of Sharks; 5.1.1 Difference Between Teleost Fishes and Sharks; 5.1.2 Sexual Specificity in Sharks; 5.2 Case Study of Shortfin Mako; 5.2.1 Biological Background; 5.2.2 Life History Traits; 5.2.3 Distribution and Behavior; 5.3 Implications of the Sexual Difference in Life History and Behavior on the Sustainable Use of Sharks; 5.3.1 Ecological Perspective; 5.3.2 A Practical Perspective on the Effective Management of Sharks; 5.4 Future Directions

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