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Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Logic & AI; What Is Logic?; Propositional Logic; Logical Connectives; Negation; Conjunction; Disjunction; Implication; Equivalence; Laws of Propositional Logic; Normal Forms; Logic Circuits; Practical Problem: Using Inheritance and C# Operators to Evaluate Logic Formulas; Practical Problem: Representing Logic Formulas as Binary Decision Trees; Practical Problem: Transforming a Formula into Negation Normal Form (NNF)

Practical Problem: Transforming a Formula into Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF)Summary; Chapter 2: Automated Theorem Proving & First-Order Logic; Automated Theorem Proving; Practical Problem: Clauses and CNFs Classes in C#; DPLL Algorithm; Practical Problem: Modeling the Pigeonhole Principle in Propositional Logic; Practical Problem: Finding Whether a Propositional Logic Formula is SAT; First-Order Logic; Predicates in C#; Practical Problem: Cleaning Robot; Summary; Chapter 3: Agents; What's an Agent?; Agent Properties; Types of Environments; Agents with State

Practical Problem: Modeling the Cleaning Robot as an Agent and Adding State to ItAgent Architectures; Reactive Architectures: Subsumption Architecture; Deliberative Architectures: BDI Architecture; Hybrid Architectures; Touring Machines; InteRRaP; Summary; Chapter 4: Mars Rover; What's a Mars Rover?; Mars Rover Architecture; Mars Rover Code; Mars Rover Visual Application; Summary; Chapter 5: Multi-Agent Systems; What's a Multi-Agent System?; Multi-Agent Organization; Communication; Speech Act Theory; Agent Communication Languages (ACL); Coordination & Cooperation

Negotiation Using Contract NetSocial Norms & Societies; Summary; Chapter 6: Communication in a Multi-Agent System Using WCF; Services; Contracts; Bindings; Endpoints; Publisher/Subscriber Pattern; Practical Problem: Communicating Among Multiple Agents Using WCF; Summary; Chapter 7: Cleaning Agents: A Multi-Agent System Problem; Program Structure; Cleaning Task; Cleaning Agent Platform; Contract Net; FIPA-ACL; MAS Cleaning Agent; GUI; Running the Application; Summary; Chapter 8: Simulation; What Is Simulation?; Discrete-Event Simulation; Probabilistic Distributions

Practical Problem: Airport SimulationSummary; Chapter 9: Support Vector Machines; What Is a Support Vector Machine (SVM)?; Practical Problem: Linear SVM in C#; Imperfect Separation; Non-linearly Separable Case: Kernel Trick; Sequential Minimal Optimization Algorithm (SMO); Practical Problem: SMO Implementation; Summary; Chapter 10: Decision Trees; What Is a Decision Tree?; Generating a Decision Tree: ID3 Algorithm; Entropy and Information Gain; Practical Problem: Implementing the ID3 Algorithm; C4.5 Algorithm; Practical Problem: Implementing the C4.5 Algorithm; Summary

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