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The Intervention of the Israeli high court of justice in government decisions : an empirical, quantitative study with paradoxical results
Law and politics : theoretical aspects
The Supreme Court as a political entrepreneur in the process of institutional change - an analysis based on shared mental models and political entrepreneurship
Israeli public law
Israel in light of structural and cultural variables
The Supreme Court and the political system in light of social and political processes in Israel during 1948-1999
The struggle for a new conservative constitutional court (2000) : redefining the guarantor of human rights in Israel - the role of the Israeli Supreme Court
The rule of "who governs?" as electoral capital (1999-2007) : the Supreme Court as an agenda setter in Israel
The Supreme Court of Israel as an agenda setter : three cases
On law, society and policy design - towards a reform in the relationship between the high court of justice and the knesset.

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