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1. Introduction
1.1 What is BACnet? A brief overview
1.2 The BACnet development process
1.2.1 Committee members
1.2.2 Working groups
1.2.3 Continuous maintenance
1.2.4 Public review
1.2.5 Versions and revisions
1.2.6 The ISO development process
1.3 BACnet support groups
1.3.1 Rise of the BIGs
1.3.2 The BACnet manufacturers' association and BACnet international
1.3.3 Marketing BACnet
1.3.4 Testing BACnet
1.4 Summary

2. A brief history
2.1 The beginning
2.2 What's an "ASHRAE"?
2.3 Title, purpose, and scope (TPS)
2.4 SPC 135P is born
2.5 The plan
2.6 Nashville, 1987
2.7 Working groups are formed
2.8 "BACnet" gets its name
2.9 The controls companies weigh in
2.9.1 Alerton
2.9.2 American auto-matrix
2.9.3 Andover
2.9.4 Automated Logic Corporation
2.9.5 Cimetrics
2.9.6 Delta
2.9.7 Honeywell
2.9.8 Johnson Controls
2.9.9 Reliable Controls
2.9.10 Siemens
2.9.11 Trane
2.9.12 Other contributors
2.10 Conclusion

3. Fundamentals
3.1 How the BACnet standard is organized
3.2 The ISO open systems interconnection basic reference model (BRM), ISO 7498
3.3 BACnet protocol architecture
3.4 The BACnet application layer
3.4.1 The BACnet object model
3.4.2 BACnet services
3.5 The BACnet network layer
3.6 BACnet data links
3.7 BACnet encoding
3.8 BACnet procedures
3.9 BACnet network security
3.10 BACnet web services (BACnet/WS)
3.11 BACnet systems and specification
3.12 Conclusion

4. BACnet application layer, objects
4.1 BACnet object model
4.2 Properties
4.2.1 Common properties
4.3 Object types

5. BACnet application layer, services
5.1 BACnet service descriptions
5.2 Alarm and event services
5.3 File access services
5.4 Object access services
5.5 Remote device management services
5.6 Virtual terminal services

6. BACnet network layer
6.1 NL protocol data unit structure
6.2 Brief description of the NL messages
6.2.1 Who-is-router-to-network (WIRTN)
6.2.2 I-am-router-to-network (IARTN)
6.2.3 I-could-be-router-to-network (ICBRTN)
6.2.4 Reject-message-to-network (RMTN)
6.2.5 Router-busy-to-network (RBTM)
6.2.6 Router-available-to-network (RATN)
6.2.7 Initialize-routing-table (IRT)
6.2.8 Initialize-routing-table-ack (IRTA)
6.2.9 Establish-connection-to-network (ECTN)
6.2.10 Disconnect-connection-to-network (DCTN)
6.2.11 Challenge-request (CR)
6.2.12 Security-payload (SP)
6.2.13 Security-response (SR)
6.2.14 Request-key-update (RKU), update-key-set (UKS), update-distribution-key (UDK), request-master-key (RMK), set-master-key (SMK)
6.2.15 What-is-network-number (WINN)
6.2.16 Network-number-is (NNI)
6.2.17 Other NL message types
6.3 Providing for the distribution of messages to multiple recipients
6.3.1 BACnet multicasting
6.3.2 BACnet broadcasting
6.4 Interconnecting BACnet networks
6.4.1 NL procedure for local traffic
6.4.2 NL procedure for remote traffic
6.5 Router operation
6.6 Half-routers
6.7 Conclusion

7. BACnet data link
7.1 Ethernet data link
7.2 ARCNET data link
7.3 Master-slave/token-passing data link (MS/TP)
7.3.1 MS/TP basics
7.3.2 MS/TP messaging
7.3.3 MS/TP slave proxy
7.4 Point-to-point data link (PTP)
7.4.1 PTP data link management
7.4.2 PTP messaging
7.4.3 PTP operation
7.5 LonTalk data link
7.6 Conclusion

8. BACnet virtual data links
8.1 BACnet/IP
8.1.1 Internet protocol basics
8.1.2 BACnet/IP's "BACnet virtual link layer" (BVLL)
8.1.3 B/IP directed messages
8.1.4 B/IP broadcasts
8.1.5 B/IP to B/IP routing
8.1.6 B/IP operation with network address translation (NAT)
8.2 ZigBee

9. BACnet encoding and decoding
9.1 BACnet encoding/decoding basics
9.1.1 Basic ASN.1
9.2 Encoding the Fixed Part of an APDU
9.3 Encoding the variable part of an APDU
9.3.1 Application-tagged data
9.3.2 Context-tagged data
9.3.3 Example of encoding a ReadProperty transaction
9.4 Conclusion

10. BACnet processes and procedures
10.1 BACnet alarm and event processing
10.1.1 Alarm and event basics
10.1.2 COV reporting
10.1.3 Event reporting
10.2 Command prioritization
10.3 Backup and restore
10.3.1 Backup
10.3.2 Restore
10.4 Device restart procedure

11. Extending and specifying BACnet
11.1 Extending BACnet
11.1.1 Extended enumerations
11.1.2 Proprietary object types
11.1.3 Proprietary properties of standard object types
11.1.4 Proprietary services
11.1.5 Proprietary network layer messages
11.2 Designing and specifying BACnet systems
11.2.1 Conformance classes and functional groups
11.2.2 Interoperability areas, device profiles, and BIBBs
11.2.3 The protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS)
11.2.4 Suggestions from the field

12. Future directions
12.1 Addendum 135-2012ai, network port object (NPO)
12.2 Addendum 135-2012aj, support for IPv6
12.3 Addendum 135-2012al, best practices for gateways, new BIBBs, and device profiles
12.4 Addendum 135-2012am, extensions to BACnet/WS for complex datatypes and subscriptions
12.4.1 SOAP to REST
12.5 Addendum 135-2012an, add MS/TP extended frames
12.6 Addendum 135-2012ap, add application interfaces
12.7 Addendum 135-2012aq, add elevator/escalator object types and COV multiple services
12.8 Conclusion

Appendix A. BACnet object reference
Appendix B. BACnet services reference
Appendix C. Acronyms and abbreviations

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