Linked e-resources


1. The emotional side of weight gain and loss
Change your actions by changing your thoughts
Mastering your impulses
You are a complete package
Be part of the solution
Responding vs. reacting
Healthy coping skills
Hurts of the past
Learning to set your mind
Anger is powerful
Jealousy is not productive
Use logic to make decisions
Emotional maturity
Fearing others' achievements
Seek encouragement
Loving yourself
You are not an accident
Balancing maturity with the child within
Meeting needs in a healthy way
Identifying needs
Your circle of influence
Expressing yourself effectively with words

2. Curbing stress and eliminating negativity
The real source of stress
Own your time
Time is precious
Spend your time on your priorities
Dealing with people who cause you stress
Being a positive influence
Healthy choices reduce stress
Balance for a fulfilling life
Thriving not just surviving
Exercising positive thinking
Comfortable in reality thinking
Positive vs. negative reinforcement
Elite athletes use positive reinforcement
Expect the best
Turning the page to a new beginning
Accepting yourself along the journey

3. Embracing positive thinking to impart change
The heart of true health
What do your actions show that you value?
More than a mind-body experience
Hope grows the fruit of success
Positive core beliefs
You have a special place in this world
Where do you find your value?
Body-image vs. self-image
Being intimate with yourself
The deeper issues
The importance of self-respect
You are significant

4. Understanding your emotional well being and the impact on your weight
You can't change other people
Caring enough to change
Talk openly about your challenges
Honestly confronting your emotions
Questioning your needs
The pain of a broken spirit
Inspiring yourself
Looking back to move ahead
Comfortable distractions
Losing weight will change your whole life
Others' perceptions of us
Children and weight
You are lovable just as you are

5. Taking responsibility for creating your best-self
Fear of close relationships
Balancing your needs with the needs of others
Your impact on others
Encouraging others
The pain of discipline
Empower yourself
Being a grown-up
The challenge to change
The pain of regret
Setting boundaries
Igniting your passion
Your whole self
No more excuses
New possibilities lie ahead
The courage to be yourself

Appendix A. Basic health assessments
Appendix B. Reputable health organizations
Appendix C. Calorie-smart food and drink choices (high fiber and/or nutrient dense)
Appendix D. How to read a food label
Appendix E. How many calories does your body need?
Appendix F. Developing an exercise program
Appendix G. Evaluating your risk for heart disease
Appendix H. Recommended reading

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