Linked e-resources


1. Is career counseling a good option for you?
Student awareness of career counseling as a career choice
Career counseling: a diverse field
Career development theories
Skills needed by career counselors
Special populations and settings for career counselors
Career counseling in the schools
Career counselors in colleges and universities
Career counseling with adults
Other career counseling settings
Certification and training
Career development facilitators
Need for career counselors

2. Professional school counseling
Evolution of the transformed school counselor
ASCA's national model for school counseling programs
Elementary schools
Middle school
Certification, licensure, or endorsement
Certification requirements by state

3. College level counseling
Academic and non academic units
Career and cooperative education
Admissions and recruitment offices
Job description for an admissions counselor
Student affairs and student development
Mental health counseling
Job description in a counseling center

4. School psychology
Who are school psychologists?
What type of training do I need to become a school psychologist?
What characteristics do effective school psychologists possess?
What employment opportunities are available to persons holding a master's or specialist's degree in school psychology?
Once I obtain my degree and secure my job, am I done with my training?
What should I consider when applying to a school psychology program?
Where can I learn more about school psychology?

5. Drug and alcohol addictions counseling
Qualifications to become a substance abuse counselor
Educational routes towards substance abuse licensure
Specialized training in substance abuse psychopharmacology
Assessment, evaluation & intake skill development
Treating the dual diagnosed: trauma/post traumatic stress disorder training
ASAM (American Society of Addictions Medicine) criteria
DSM-IV-TR substance diagnoses and dual diagnoses
Family therapy
Counselors in recovery
Specialized populations served
Career paths
Stress, burnout & self care issues
Use of community resources
State licensure requirements
National certification and/or licensure

6. Counseling opportunities in the correctional system
Mental illness and the corrections' population
Employers of mental health counselors in corrections
Job description and responsibilities
Education and training
Personal characteristics of mental health counselor

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