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Intro; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Indian Measurement Unit and Conversions to Metric System; Contents; Editors and Contributors; Acronyms; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Poverty Reduction Through Employment Generation in India: A Historical Perspective; 1.3 MGNREGA and Its Salient Features; 1.4 Performance of NREGA; 1.5 MGNREGA Achievements, Relevance, and Growing Concerns; 1.6 Impacts of MGNREGA: Burgeoning Empirical Literature; 1.7 About the Present Volume and Its Relevance; 1.8 MGNREGS: A Future Perspective; Appendix; References

MGNREGA: Macro Perspectives and Analysis2 Employment Generation Under MGNREGA: Spatial and Temporal Performance Across States; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Functioning and Outcomes of MGNREGA: A Review; 2.3 The Work Mechanism of MGNREGA; 2.3.1 Total Employment Generated and Their Socio-economic Characteristics; 2.3.2 Number of Projects Completed and Total Amount Spent; 2.3.3 Performance of MGNREGA-Some Qualitative Indicators; 2.4 Performance of MGNREGA-Some Field Observations; 2.5 Concluding Remarks; References; Websites; 3 MGNREGS Implementations and the Dynamics of Rural Labour Markets

3.1 Introduction3.2 Fixation of Wages; 3.3 Impact of MGNRGA on Employment, Earning and Poverty; 3.4 Impact of MGNREGS on Rural Labour Markets; 3.4.1 Evidence from Across the Country; 3.4.2 Impact on Farm Mechanization; 3.4.3 Adjustment Work Calendar of MGNREGA to Local Conditions; 3.4.4 Asset Creation in Rural Areas; 3.4.5 Migration; 3.4.6 Youth and Educated; 3.5 Impact of MGNREGS on Rural Labour Market in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh; 3.5.1 Job Security; 3.5.2 High Risk Perception of Farming; 3.5.3 Perception of Different Social Groups; 3.5.4 MGNREGA Wage Rates; 3.5.5 Agricultural Wages

3.5.6 Food Insecurity and MGNREGA3.5.7 MGNREGA and Labour Shortage for Agriculture; 3.5.8 Group Work; 3.5.9 MGNREGS Calendar; 3.5.10 Migration; 3.5.11 Extra Worker and Extra Employment Effect; 3.5.12 Need for Improvement and e-FMS; 3.6 Concluding Observations; Acknowledgments; References; 4 Beyond Digging and Filling Holes: Maximizing the Net Positive Impact of MGNREGA; 4.1 Background; 4.1.1 Studies and Methods; 4.2 How Do Local Labour Markets Influence MGNREGA Implementation?; 4.2.1 Type I: Misfit; 4.2.2 Type II: Insignificant; 4.2.3 Type III: Potentially Significant

4.2.4 Type IV: Significant4.3 How Does MGNREGA Influence Local Labour Markets?; 4.3.1 Tighter and Segmented Labour Markets; 4.3.2 Increased Women Participation and Reduced Male-Female Wage Ratio; 4.3.3 Less Clear Impact on Migration; 4.4 Attitude of the Rich and the Poor; 4.5 Overview of Best-Performing MGNREGA Water Assets; 4.6 Lessons from Best-Performing MGNREGA Assets; 4.6.1 Pick the Low Hanging Fruits First; 4.6.2 Keep MGNREGA Demand-Driven; 4.6.3 Recognize the Importance of Assets; 4.6.4 Fix Responsibility for Maintenance

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