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Part I: Moral visions of global education
Chapter 1. Cosmopolitanism and educating the citizen of the world (Henk ten Have)
Chapter 2. Global bioethics and global education (Solomon Benatar)
Part II: Goals and challenges of global ethics education
Chapter 3. Goals of global ethics education (Volnei Garrafa and Thiago Rocha da Cunha)
Chapter 4. Priorities in the teaching of ethics in a globalized world (Renzo Pegoraro)
Chapter 5. Can global ethics education solve inequities? (Leonardo de Castro)
Chaper 6. Interculturality and cultural competence (Ayesha Ahmad)
Chapter 7. Resources for global ethics education (Wanda Teays)
Part III: Practices of global ethics education
Chapter 8. Permanent e-learning in the teaching of ethics (Susana Vidal)
Chapter 9. Arts and humanities as instruments for global ethics education (Jan Helge Solbakk)
Chapter 10. To see differently: incorporating the arts into the bioethics curriculum (Terry Maksymowych)
Chapter 11. The cinema as instrument for teaching and learning global ethics (Flavio Paranhos)
Chapter 12. The role of case studies in global ethics education (Willem Hoffmann).

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