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Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewers; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Basics; Programming Concepts; Programming Languages and Natural Languages; Values and Variables; Functions; Specifying Positions and Angles; Colors; Development Environment; Role of Planning; Under the Covers; Processing Programming Features; Processing Development Environment; Functions; Angles; Implementing Hello, World; Implementing the Daddy Logo; Planning; Daddy Logo Program; Things to Look Up; How to Make This Your Own; What You Learned; What's Next

Chapter 2: InteractionsProgramming Concepts; Events; Randomness; Displaying Images from Files; Calculations, Including Built-in Functions; Looping; Processing Programming Features; Under the Covers; Polygon Sketch Operation Overview; Implementing the Polygon Sketch; Planning; Polygon Sketch Program; Coin Toss Sketch Operation Overview; Implementing the Coin Toss Sketch; Planning; Things to Look Up; How to Make This Your Own; What You Learned; What's Next; Chapter 3: Animation Using Arrays and Parallel Structures; More on the Sketches; Programming Concepts; Animation; Logical Operations

ArraysParallel Structures; Compound Statements; Pseudo-Random Processing; Processing Programming Features; Implementing a Bouncing Ball; Planning; Program; Implementing a Set of Three Bouncing Balls; Planning; Program; Implementing Pentagon Bouncing; Planning; Implementing Bouncing Polygons; Planning; Program; Under the Covers; Things to Look Up; How to Make This Your Own; What You Learned; What's Next; Chapter 4: Classes; Programming Concepts; Classes; Phases of Operations; Tolerance or Margin; Processing Programming Features; Classes; Dynamic Arrays; Tolerance and OK So Far Coding

Bouncing Objects OverviewImplementing the Bouncing Objects; Planning; Program; Make Path and Travel Path Overview; Implementing the Make Path and Travel Path; Planning; Program; Jigsaw Overview; Implementing the Jigsaw; Planning; Program; Under the Covers; Things to Look Up; How to Make This Your Own; What You Learned; What's Next; Chapter 5: More Interactions; More on the Sketches; Programming Concepts; Ballistic Motion; Character (char) Data Type vs. String Data Type; Use of Files; Case Statement; Elapsed Time; Regular Expressions; Processing Programming Features; The char Data Type

The keyPressed Function, key, and keyCodeTable Files; The Case Statement; The millis and Other Time Functions; The match Function for Regular Expressions; ArrayList; Under the Covers; Slingshot Operation Overview; Implementing the Slingshot Sketch; Planning; Programming the Slingshot Sketch; Snake Operation Overview; Implementing the Snake Sketch; Planning; Programming the Snake Sketch; Image Test Operation Overview; Implementing the Image Test; Planning; Program; Things to Look Up; How to Make This Your Own; What You Learned; What's Next

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