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Intro; Preface: From Facts to Law; Facts, Law, and Customary Law; Limited Role of Customary Law in Law Schools; Purpose of This Book; Birth of This Book; Content of This Book; References; Contents; Contributors; Part I: Philosophical Foundations; Usage et légitimité; 1 Introduction; 2 La pensée des usages: la matrice humienne; 3 La matrice hayekienne; 4 La matrice burkienne; 5 Conclusion; Références; Part II: General Customary Law; Tradition in the French Legal System: Outward Signs and Usefulness; 1 Introduction; 1.1 The Definition of Tradition; 1.2 The Aim of the Present Analysis

2 The Characterization of the Concept of Tradition2.1 Tradition, the Reflection of Heritage; 2.1.1 An Age-Old Practice; The Repetition of a Practice; Tradition, an Example of Spontaneous Law; Uninterrupted Tradition, a Common Condition in Todayś Law to Permit Tradition; The Origin of the Practice; The Historical Nature of Tradition; The Absence of Recent Tradition; 2.1.2 A Deep-Rooted Practice; Roots in a Human Group; A Strong Attachment to Tradition; No Opinio Juris; Roots in a Territory; The Variety of Geographical Areas Where Tradition Is Found

The Importance of Territory in the Acknowledgment of Traditional Practices2.2 Tradition, the Reflection of a Culture; 2.2.1 Highlighting the Cultural Nature of Tradition; Passing Down Knowledge or Advances; Passing Down of an Experience Unique to a Human Group; 2.2.2 Acknowledging the Cultural Nature of Tradition; 3 The Usefulness of the Reference to Tradition; 3.1 A Reinforcing Effect; 3.1.1 A Justificatory Effect; 3.1.2 A Promoting Effect; The Principle; Protection of Culture; Protection of the Interests Linked to Culture; The Limits

The Clash with Admitted Subjective RightsThe Clash with Some Statutory Rules; 3.2 A Diluting Effect; 3.2.1 A Widening Effect; 3.2.2 A Minimizing Effect; References; La délimitation du champ de lúsage; 1 Introduction; 2 Les caractères de la délimitation; 2.1 Le caractère multiple de la délimitation; 2.2 Le caractère variable de la délimitation; 2.2.1 Observations; 2.2.2 Conséquences; 3 Les fonctions de la délimitation; 3.1 Lors de la formation de lúsage; 3.2 Lors de lápplication de lúsage; Références; The Impact of Usages on Property Rights; 1 Introduction

2 The Illustration of the Impact of Usages on Property Rights2.1 Illustrations in Public International Law; 2.2 Illustrations in Private Law; 3 The Justification of the Legal Impact of Usages on Property Rights; 3.1 Structure and Vocabulary Sharing; 3.2 Normative Force Sharing; 3.2.1 Definition of the Notion of Normative Force; 3.2.2 The Normative Force of Usages and Possession; References; Usages et contrat-type; 1 Introduction; 2 Lé́diction dún lien entre usages et contrats-types; 2.1 Lé́diction dúne consécration; 2.1.1 Le constat de lé́diction; 2.1.2 La justification de lé́diction

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