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Intro; Abstract; Acknowledgments; About the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Behavioral Analysis Unit; Contents; About the Authors; Chapter 1: Introduction; References; Chapter 2: Historical Background of Animal Cruelty; References; Chapter 3: Attachment; References; Chapter 4: Empathy; 4.1 Empathy: Definition and Relevance to the Field of Forensic Psychology; 4.2 Attachment and Empathy; References; Chapter 5: General Violence; References; Chapter 6: Meloy's Biopsychosocial Model of Violence; 6.1 Individual/Psychological Components of Violence; 6.2 Social/Environmental Components of Violence

6.3 Biological Components of Violence6.4 Miscellaneous Factors; References; Chapter 7: Meloy's Bimodal Theory of Affective (Reactive) and Predatory (Instrumental) Violence; References; Chapter 8: The Relationship Between Violence, Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy; References; Chapter 9: Interpersonal Violence; References; Chapter 10: Description of the Problem of Animal Cruelty and Its Association with Interpersonal Violence; References; Chapter 11: The Relationship Between Family Violence and Animal Cruelty; References

Chapter 12: Predicting Risk of Animal Cruelty and Other ViolenceReferences; Chapter 13: Motivations of Animal Cruelty Acts and Other Violence; References; Chapter 14: Methods; References; Chapter 15: Materials; 15.1 The BAU's Animal Cruelty Protocol; 15.2 The BAU's Predatory/Affective Violence Scale; References; Chapter 16: Results; 16.1 Case Type; 16.2 Number of Offenders and Victims; 16.3 Offender Demographics; 16.3.1 Gender, Age, and Race; 16.3.2 Education Level; 16.3.3 Marital Status; 16.3.4 Household Composition; 16.3.5 Children; 16.3.6 Employment Status

16.3.7 Mental Health and Substance Use and/or Abuse History16.3.8 Criminal History and Recidivism; 16.3.9 NIBRS Offender's Criminal Arrest History Prior to the Animal Cruelty Instant Offense(s); 16.4 NIBRS Offender's Criminal Arrest History Following the Animal Cruelty Instant Offense(s); 16.5 Interpersonal Violence (IPV) History; 16.6 Victim Demographics; 16.6.1 Species and Age; 16.7 Offense Characteristics; 16.7.1 Acts of Animal Cruelty; 16.7.2 Instrument and/or Personal Weapons Use; 16.8 Relationship Between the Offender and the Animal Victim

16.9 Individuals Present at the Location of the Animal Cruelty16.10 Motivation; 16.11 Offender's Claims/Explanations to Law Enforcement; 16.12 Number of Victims Killed; 16.13 Cause of Death; 16.14 Location of Body Disposal; 16.15 Legal Outcomes; 16.16 Temporal Nature of AC Offenses; 16.17 Latent Class Analysis: Estimation of Latent Classes (Clusters); 16.18 Overview of the Latent Class Analysis Results; References; Chapter 17: Discussion; 17.1 Conceptualization of Animal Cruelty; 17.2 The BAU Animal Cruelty Study; 17.3 General Findings and Observations; 17.4 Criminal History and Recidivism

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