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Intro; Preface; Contents; 1 Methods Describing the Interaction of Laser Radiation with Biological Tissues; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 The Structure and Optical Properties of Biological Tissues; 1.3 Structure and Optical Properties of Blood; References; 2 Overview of Theoretical Approaches to the Analysis of Light Scattering; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Optical Properties of Tissues with Multiple Scattering; 2.3 Stationary Theory of Radiative Transfer; 2.4 Approximate Methods for Solving the Transport Equation; 2.5 The Nonstationary Theory of Radiative Transfer

2.6 Methods for Measuring Optical Parameters of Biological Tissues2.7 Methods for Solving Inverse Problems of Scattering Theory; 2.8 Resume; References; 3 Study of Electrophysical Characteristics of Blood Formed Elements Using Intracavity Laser Spectroscopy; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Vector Spherical Harmonics; 3.3 Scattering by a Particle with a Shifted Nucleus; 3.4 Scattering by a Group of Spherical Objects; 3.5 Numerical Study of the Algebraic Equations; 3.6 Scattering Matrix; 3.7 Eigenmodes of the Optical Cavity Containing a Cell of Spherical Particles

3.8 Numerical Calculations for the Resonator with a Simulated ...References; 4 Mathematical Models of the Interaction of Laser Radiation with Turbid Media; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 An Electrodynamic Model of the Optical Characteristics of Blood and Capillary Blood Flow Rate; 4.3 Reflection of a Plane Wave from a Layer with a Slowly Varying Thickness; 4.4 Reflection of a Gaussian Beam from a Layer with a Slowly Varying Thickness; 4.5 The Reflected Field; 4.6 Calculation of the Rate of Blood Flow in a Capillary; 4.7 Numerical Calculations for a Model Medium and Conclusions; References

5 Study of the Optical Characteristics of a Biotissue with Large-Scale Inhomogeneities5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Scattering of a Plane Wave from the Rough Surface; 5.3 The Scattered Field on the Fractal Surface; 5.4 Reflection of a Plane Wave from a Layer with Allowance for Surface Roughness; 5.5 Numerical Calculations for a Model Medium and Conclusions; References; 6 Light Scattering by Dielectric Bodies of Irregular Shape in a Layered Medium; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Matrix Formulation of Scattering for the jth Particle ...; 6.3 Explicit Expressions for the Integrals with Vector ...

6.4 Matrix Formulation of Scattering for the jth Bilayer ...6.5 Reflection of a Plane Wave from a Layer with a Slowly Varying Thickness; 6.6 Spectrum of Action of Laser Radiation on the Hemoglobin Derivatives; 6.7 Numerical Calculations for a Model Medium and Conclusions; References; 7 Modeling of the Optical Characteristics Fibrillar Structure; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Scattering on a Parallel Cylinders; 7.3 Reflection of a Plane Wave from a Layer with the Fibrillar Structure; 7.4 Numerical Calculations for a Model Medium and Conclusions; References

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