
Linked e-resources


Part one. Turning challenges into opportunities
1. How collaboration helps us manage complexity
2. From the individual to the collective: a paradigm shift
3. Why we need a compass for better co-creation
Part two. The collective leadership compass
4. A glimpse into the conceptual background
5. Rediscovering human competencies
6. Becoming a collective leader
7. Navigating collaboration
Part three. Making the compass work for us
8. Approaching change and strengthening our leadership
9. Observing our pattern
10. Empowering action groups
11. Building communities of change makers
12. Getting into collaborative action
Part four. Scaling up collaboration for a better future
13. Improving stakeholder dialogue
14. Cultivating effective cross-sector partnering
15. Invigorating sustainability leadership
16. Building networks for change
17. Turning innovation into collective design
18. The five principles of scaling up collaborative impact
Epilogue: An invitation to join the collaboration journey.

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