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Guide to the Handbook / Gernot Akemann, Jinho Baik, Philippe Di Francesco
Painleve Transcendents / Alexander R. Its
Random Matrices and Integrable Systems / Pierre van Moerbeke
Determinantal Point Processes / Alexei Borodin
Random Matrix Representations of Critical Statistics / Vladimir Kravtsov
Heavy-Tailed Random Matrices / Zdzislaw Burda, Jerzy Jurkiewicz
Phase Transitions / Giovanni Cicuta, Luca Molinari
Two-Matrix Models and Biorthogonal Polynomials / Marco Bertola
Loop Equation Method / Nicolas Orantin
Unitary Integrals and Related Matrix Models / Alexei Morozov
Non-Hermitian Ensembles / Boris Khoruzhenko, Hans-Jurgen Sommers
History / Oriol Bohigas, Hans Weidenmuller
Characteristic Polynomials / Edouard Brezin, Sinobu Hikami
Beta Ensembles / Peter Forrester
Wigner Matrices / Gerard Ben Arous, Alice Guionnet
Free Probability Theory / Roland Speicher
Random Banded and Sparse Matrices / Thomas Spencer
Number Theory / Jon Keating, Nina Snaith
Random Permutations / Grigori Olshanski
Enumeration of Maps / Jeremie Bouttier
Knot Theory / Paul Zinn-Justin, Jean-Bernard Zuber
Multivariate Statistics / Noureddine El Karoui
Symmetry Classes / Martin R. Zirnbauer
Algrebraic Geometry / Leonid Chekhov
Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity / Ivan Kostov
String Theory / Marcos Marino
Quantum Chromodynamics / Jac Verbaarschot
Quantum Chaos and Quantum Graphs / Sebastian Muller, Martin Sieber
Resonance Scattering in Chaotic Systems / Yan Fyodorov, Dmitry Savin
Condensed Matter Physics / Carlo W. J. Beenakker
Optics / Carlo W. J. Beenakker
Extreme Eigenvalues of Wishart Matrices and Entangled Bipartite System / Satya N. Majumdar
Random Growth Models / Patrik L. Ferrari, Herbert Spohn
Forward / Freeman Dyson
Laplacian Growth / Anton Zabrodin
Financial Applications / Jean-Phillipe Bouchaud, Marc Potters
Information Theory / Antonia Tulino, Sergio Verdu
Ribonucleic Acid Folding / Graziano Vernizzi, Henri Orland
Complex Networks / Geoff Rodgers, Taro Nagao
Spectral Statisitics of Unitary Emsembles / Greg W. Anderson
Spectral Statistics of Orthogonal and Symplectic Ensembles / Mark Adler
Universality / Arno Kuijlaars
Supersymmetry / Thomas Guhr
Replica Approach / Eugene Kanzieper.

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