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Intro; Preface; Contents; Part I: Introduction; Chapter 1: History and Future; Introduction; Multiphysics Is There; Multiphysics Is Coming; Chapter 2: What Is Multiphysics; Introduction; Definitions and Scopes; Definition 1; Definition 2; Definition 3; Definition 4; Definition in This Book; From Monolithic Physics to Multiphysics: Couplings; Physical Fields and Types of Multiphysics; Chapter 3: How to Do Multiphysics; Introduction; Mathematical Model; Discretization; Solution and Postprocessing; Chapter 4: Multiphysics in Porous Materials; Introduction; History; Applications

Chapter 5: How to Use This BookIntroduction; Organization of the Book; Suggestions to Readers; Part II: Mathematical Background; Chapter 6: Tensor and Field; Introduction; From Scalar, Vector to Tensor; Physical Field; Chapter 7: Tensor Analysis; Introduction; Notation; Vector Algebra; Vector Additions and Scalar Multiplication; Products of Vectors; Vector Calculus; Theorems; Basics of Tensor Analysis; Definition; Tensor Product; Identities and Algebra; Contraction and Inner Product; Important Identities in Vector Calculus; Operator and Order of Tensor

Special Combination of Multiple OperatorsDistributivity over Vector Addition; Product of Scalar and Vector; Scalar Triple Product; Vector Triple Product; Chapter 8: Index Notation and Tensor Notation; Introduction; Rules of Index Notation; Tensor Algebra in Index Notation; Calculus Using Index Notation; Examples of Algebraic Manipulations Using Index Notation; Chapter 9: Partial Differential Equations; Introduction; Numerical Simulation and PDEs; Classification of Partial Differential Equations; Common PDEs in Engineering Applications; Linear Equations; Nonlinear Equations

System of Partial Differential EquationsBoundary Conditions and Initial Conditions; Common Types of Boundary Conditions; Confusion About Boundary Conditions; Boundary Conditions in 3D Domains; Boundary Condition Treatments in Computer Programs; Initial Condition; Chapter 10: Numerical Solution of PDEs; Introduction; Solve PDEs with MATLAB PDE Toolbox; A PDE Implementation Tool: FlexPDE; Part III: Monolithic Physics; Chapter 11: Thermo: Heat Transfer; Introduction; General Background for Continuum Mechanics; Representative Elementary Volume; Conservation Law; Heat Transfer in Continua

Heat Transfer in Porous MaterialsHeat Capacity; Thermal Conductivity; Thermal Diffusivity; Boundary Conditions; Practice Problem; Problem Description; Solution; Appendix: MATLAB Code; Chapter 12: Hydro: Pore Water Movement; Introduction; Groundwater Movement; Mass Balance; Darcyś Law; Narrow Definition for Special Case; General Definition for Porous Materials; Derivation of Governing Equation; Water Flow in Unsaturated Zones; Derivation; Formulations; Head Based; Saturation Based; Mixed Saturated-Unsaturated Flow; Surface Flow; Practice Problem; Experiment Description

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