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Intro; Preface; Reference; Contents; Classification of Thesis Structure Chapters; Editors and Contributors; Introduction; 1 Critical Reflections on the Conventional Thesis Structure and a Guide to the Research Questions Addressed in the Book; Abstract; A Voyage of Discovery; My Two Germinating Voyages; The Voyage as an Examiner; The Voice; The Role and Position of the Literature Review; Convoluted Writing Structure; The Supervisor Journey; Starting Point; Voice; Organising According to Emerging Themes; Position of the Literature Review

Research Students' Voyages Towards Alternative StructuresMethods, Theories and Paradigms; The Conventional Structure; References; 2 The Collective Voyage of Discovery: How the Book Was Developed and Produced; Abstract; The Collective Voyage; Rationale for the Critical Discussion: Questions Rather Than Answers; Call for Chapters; Expanded Call; Chapter Template; Initial Workshops; Discussion Workshops; First Drafts of Substantive and Framing Chapters; Reviewing; Conclusion; References; Mixed Methods; 3 The Paradigmatic Challenge of Mixed-Methods Research: Positivism, Relativism or Pragmatism?

AbstractIntroduction; Education Research is Dynamic; Theory to Method; Context and Culture; Is There a Dichotomy?; Answering the Research Question; Method to Methodology; Summary; References; 4 An Exploration of Epistemological Beliefs, Learning Environment Expectations and Persistence Intentions: Insights into the Shaping of Student Persistence in the First Semester of University Study at Three Australian Universities; Research Question; What Was the Study About?; What Was the Method?; What Were the Theories and Paradigms Employed?; Structure; Commentary; References

5 The Challenges Faced by Male Primary TeachersResearch Questions; What Was the Study About?; What Was the Method?; What Were the Theories and Paradigms Employed?; Structure; Commentary; References; 6 English Language Teaching in Nepal: An Investigation of Issues and Challenges; Research Question for This Chapter; What Was the Study About?; What Was the Methodology?; What Were the Theories and Paradigms Employed?; Grounded Theory; Interpretive and Positivist Paradigms; Structure of the Thesis; Commentary; References

7 How Do Students Make Decisions About Overseas Higher Education? A Case Study of Chinese International Students at a Regional Australian UniversityResearch Question; What Was the Study About?; What Was the Method?; What Were the Theories and Paradigms Employed?; Paradigms; Literature Position; Structure; Commentary; References; 8 Linguistic Complexity in English Textbooks: A Functional Grammar Perspective; Research Question; What Was the Study About?; What Were the Theories and Paradigms Employed?; What Was the Method?; Structure; Chapter 1: Introduction

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