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Intro; Preface; Organizing Committee; Conference Chair; Organizing Chairs; Technical Chairs; Technical Co-Chairs; International Advisory Committee; Advisory Committee; Publication Chair; Editorial Board; Organizing Committee; Technical Committee; Web and Publicity Committee; Contents; About the Editors; 1 Efficient Video Indexing and Retrieval Using Hierarchical Clustering Technique; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Information Retrieval Based on the Content; 2 Existing System; 3 Proposed System; 3.1 Advantage of Proposed Technique; 3.2 Proposed Architecture; 3.3 Proposed Algorithm

4 Experimental Setup4.1 Image Elements Extraction; 4.1.1 Pseudocode for Color Histogram Calculation; 4.2 Indexing of Images; 4.3 Image Retrieval Using Clustering Technique; 4.3.1 Psecudocode for Cluster Calculation; 5 Experimental Outcomes; 6 Conclusion; References; 2 A Data Perturbation Method to Preserve Privacy Using Fuzzy Rules; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Privacy Preserving Data Mining; 1.2 Data Perturbation in PPDM; 2 Background and Related Work; 3 Data Perturbation Using Fuzzy Logic; 3.1 Fuzzy Rule Based Systems; 4 Proposed Work; 4.1 Proposed Algorithm; 5 Results; 6 Conclusion

4 Dataset and Methodology4.1 Dataset Description; 4.2 Methodology; 5 Algorithm; 6 Implementation and Performance Analysis; 7 Conclusions; References; 5 Grammar Error Detection Tool for Medical Transcription Using Stop Words Parts-of-Speech Tags Ngram Based Model; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Prior Work; 2 Research Method; 2.1 Training Stage; 2.2 Testing Stage; 2.3 Data Statistics and Parameter Setting; 3 Results and Analysis; 4 Conclusion; References; 6 Churn and Non-churn of Customers in Banking Sector Using Extreme Learning Machine; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Survey

3 Methodology3.1 Extreme Learning Machine; 3.2 Algorithm; 4 Results and Discussions; 5 Conclusions; References; 7 Identifying the Local Business Trends in Cities Using Data Mining Techniques; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work; 3 Proposed Work; 3.1 Data Preprocessing; 3.2 Vector Representation; 3.3 Clustering; 4 Experimental Results; 4.1 Dataset Description; 4.2 Data Preprocessing; 4.3 Vector Representation; 4.4 Clustering; 4.5 Discussion; 5 Conclusion and Future Work; References; 8 Relative-Feature Learning through Genetic-Based Algorithm; Abstract; 1 Introduction

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