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Intro; Preface; Information About the Institutes; Ludwig von Mises Institute Europe; The Swiss Mises Institute; Contents; List of Contributors; Introduction; 1 Part I; 2 Part II; 3 Part III; Part I: Misesś and Hayekś Ideas on Banking and Monetary Policy from a Historical, Economic Point of View; Mises ́Monetary Theory; 1 Historical Background; 1.1 The Classical Revolution; 1.2 The Bullion Controversy; 1.3 Ricardo and the Currency School; 1.4 The Banking School; 1.5 Peelś Act and the Consequences; 1.6 A New Orthodoxy; 1.7 Departure from Classical Economics; 1.8 Welcome to State Dirigisme

2 A Masterpiece from Vienna2.1 The Austrian School of Economics; 2.2 The Nature of Money; 2.3 The Value of Money; 2.4 Theory of Fiduciary Media and Fiduciary Credit; 2.5 Monetary and Banking Policy; References; Money: Capital Good, Consumers ́Good, or (Media of) Exchange Good?; 1 Introduction; 2 Mises; 3 Rothbard; 4 Hoppe et al.; 5 Conclusion; References; The Trend of Economic Thinking on Markets and Money: What Is Hayekś Position on These Issues?; 1 Introduction: Vision and World View; 2 Vision and Public Opinion in Hayekś ``The Trend of Economic Thinkinǵ́

3 Hayekś Transformation of His Vision of the Market4 World View of the Market and Its Error; 5 Hayekś Position on Vision and World View of the Market; 6 Hayekś Position on Vision and World View of Money; 7 The Relation of Vision and World View for Hayek and Keynes; 8 A Comprehensive System of Economics for the Economist and the Public; References; Part II: The Measures Taken by the ECB Considered in the Light of the Ideas of Mises and Hayek; What Is Wrong with the 2% Inflation Target?; 1 Power to Target Inflation in Doubt; 2 Natural Rhythm of Prices Defies Targeting

3 Monetarism and Ersatz Gold4 A Dislodged Monetary Pivot Means Price Inertia and Institutionalism; 5 How Money Breaks Inertia; 6 From Great Inflation to New Episodes of Inflation Inertia; 7 How Did We Get to the 2% Inflation Standard?: Origins; 8 A Fateful FOMC Meeting on 2% Inflation; 9 The 2% Inflation Standard Goes Global; 10 Europeś Fateful Entry to 2% Inflation Standard; 11 The Journey Away from 2% Inflation; 12 Public Esteem for Sound Money; References; Unintended Consequences of ECB Policies in Europe; 1 Introduction

2 Convergence Expectations cum Monetary Expansion: The Boom of the 2000s3 The Crisis and the ECB; 4 (Unintended) Consequences of ECB Stabilization Policies?; 4.1 An Austrian View on ECB Policies; 4.2 Evidence of Adverse Effects of ECB Policies on Bank Lending and Investment; 4.3 The Return of State Banking; 4.4 Evidence of Adverse Effects on Reform Process; 4.5 Government Benefits; 5 Summary; References; The Failure of ECB Monetary Policy from a Mises-Hayek Perspective; 1 Introduction; 2 Monetary Overinvestment Theories and Boom-and-Bust Cycles

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